Comparative Archaeology Database, University of Pittsburgh
Zingeyka River Valley Settlement Dataset |
This dataset complements the dissertation Bronze Age Settlement Patterns and the Development of Complex Societies in the Southern Ural Steppes (3500-1400 BC) by Denis V. Sharapov (which can be freely downloaded from the University of Pittsburgh's Electronic Theses and Dissertations Database). It provides detailed information about artifacts recovered from a systematic full-coverage survey carried out in the Zingeyka Valley of the Southern Ural Steppes, Russia. The data are discussed in full in the dissertation, whose contents are as follows:
- 1.0 Introduction
- 1.1 Global Patterns of Social Change
- 1.2 Study Macro-Region: Russian Steppe
- 1.3 Sintashta and Social Complexity: Comparative Perspective
- 1.4 Research Problem
- 1.5 Research Area
- 2.0 Methods for Regional Demographic Analysis
- 2.1 Field Methods
- 2.2 Population Proxies: Area-Density Index
- 2.3 Absolute Population Estimates
- 2.4 Conclusion: Methodological Advances and Pitfalls
- 3.0 Chronology and Artifact Typologies
- 3.1 Eneolithic Lithics
- 3.2 Middle and Late Bronze Age Ceramics
- 4.0 Settlement, Demographic, and Community Patterns
- 4.1 Methods for Delineating Communities
- 4.2 Sequence of Change in Community Structure
- 4.3 Sequence of Social Change
- 4.4 Conclusion
- 5.0 Population Mobility
- 5.1 Mobility in the Middle Bronze Age
- 5.2 Mobility in the Late Bronze Age
- 5.3 Mobiity, Community Structure, and Herding in the Bronze Age
- 5.4 Conclusion
- 6.0 Conclusion
- 6.1 Results of the Current Study
- 6.2 Directions for Future Research
- Appendix A. Visual Summary of Occupation Areas
- Appendix B. Access to the Online Dataset
- Bibliography
Sharapov, Denis V. (2017) Bronze Age Settlement Patterns and the Development of Complex Societies in the Southern Ural Steppes (3500-1400 BC). Ph.D. Dissertation, Department of Anthropology, University of Pittsburgh.
Sharapov, Denis V. (2018) Zingeyka River Valley Settlement Dataset. Comparative Archaeology Database, University of Pittsburgh. URL: <>.
Questions or comments about this dataset or the Comparative Archaeology Database can be directed to via email.
Numeric data are provided in two file formats. Comma-delimited text files should be easy to import into spreadsheet, database, and statistical programs for manipulation and analysis. Excel spreadsheets are easier to browse, and can also be imported into many programs. The numeric data files are as follows:
General information about surface collections | Surface collection ceramic inventory: Context, temper, and decoration information for every ceramic sherd recovered through surface collections. |
General information about shovel probes | Shovel probes ceramic inventory: Context, temper, and decoration information for every ceramic sherd recovered through shovel probes. |
General information about test pits | Test pits ceramic inventory: Context, temper, and decoration information for every ceramic sherd recovered through test pit excavation. |
Faunal inventory from shovel probes | Faunal inventory from test pit excavation |
Metal slag counts from shovel probes |
The following files and tables provide details about each step in the calculation of area-density indexes and absolute population numbers.
Calculation of area-density indexes | [BROWSER TABLE] Population density estimates for excavated sites |
Calculation of absolute population numbers |
Spatial information is provided as AutoCAD (Release 12) .DXF files which can be read by many CAD and GIS programs. The coordinate system for all spatial data is UTM Zone 40 N (units are meters) based on the WGS84 datum.
Map of collection units |
In addition, detailed profile drawings of the stratigraphy of excavated test pits are provided in the link below.