Comparative Archaeology Database, University of Pittsburgh
Zingeyka River Valley Settlement Dataset |
The data files SLAG.TXT and SLAG.XLS provide the number of metal (copper alloy) slag pieces recovered from shovel probes in all collection units, as well as a breakdown of how the slag/sherd ratios were calculated. These calculations are related to the discussion of the role that metal production played in the demographic centralization processes presented in Chapter 4 of the dissertation associated with this dataset. SLAG.TXT is a comma delimited ASCII text file; SLAG.XLS contains the same data in the form of an Excel spreadsheet. Each line represents one surface collection unit. There are 26 lines, each with 8 variables separated by commas. The variables are listed in the following order:
1 | Collection unit number. The number of the collection unit where the sherd was recovered. These correspond to the ID numbers provided in the COLL_NUMBERS layer of the Map of Collection Units page of this dataset. |
2 | Collection unit name. Provides the Russian site registry name and number that correspond to each collection unit. For sites encompassing more than one collection unit, a second sequential number is provided to uniquely identify each collection unit. Site names are provided for references purposes only, as the concept of "site" did not play any meaningful role in analysis. |
3 | Area (ha) measure obtained from shovel probes. |
4 | Number of Bronze Age sherds from shovel probes. |
5 | Number of slag pieces recovered from shovel probes. |
6 | Percentage of sherds within this collection unit assigned to Middle Bronze Age. |
7 | Percentage of sherds within this collection unit was assigned to Late Bronze Age. |
8 | Slag to sherd ratio (variable 5 / variable 4) |
The first line of the ASCII text file, for example, looks like this:
3,Katsbah 1 3,0.47,36,1,0.00,0.30,0.028
This means that this slag piece came from collection unit 3, also referred to as Katsbah 1 3. The area of this collection unit, obtained from shovel probes was 0.47 ha. 36 Bronze Age sherds were recovered from this collection unit through shovel probes. The number of slag pieces recovered was 1. 0% of the sherds in this collection unit were assigned into the MBA period, while 30% were assigned into the LBA period. The slag to sherd ratio was calculated to be 0.028.
The last, or 26th line of the ASCII text file is:
26,Leb 6 3,0.61,74,1,0.02,0.91,0.014
This means that this slag piece came from collection unit 26, also known as Leb 6 3. The area of the collection unit, obtained from shovel probes was 0.61 ha. 74 Bronze Age sherds were recovered from this collection unit through shovel probes. One slag piece was recovered. 2% of the sherds in this collection unit were assigned into the MBA period, while 91% of sherds were assigned into the LBA period. The slag to sherd ratio was calculated to be 0.014.
Download the file SLAG.TXT (1 KB) or the file SLAG.XLS (20 KB).