Map of Collection Units
(outlined based on shovel probe data)
A map showing the location of all collection units is provided as an AutoCAD file (release 12) called CUMAP.DXF. Please refer to Chapter 2 (pages 13-34) of the dissertation associated with this dataset for a detailed description of how collection units were delineated. The file contains the following layers:
- COLL_NUMBERS (white): AutoCAD text strings that provide the ID number for each collection unit. These text strings correspond to the "Collection Unit Number" variable in numeric data pages provided elsewhere in this dataset. Their insertion points are inside the polylines they correspond to, for AutoCAD or other programs capable of matching text strings to polylines in this way.
- COLLECTIONS (red): Closed AutoCAD polylines delineating all collection units within the Zingeyka River Valley that contained positive shovel probes.
Download CUMAP.DXF (56 KB).
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