Comparative Archaeology Database, University of Pittsburgh
Zingeyka River Valley Settlement Dataset |
The data files CERAMICSP.TXT and CERAMICSP.XLS provide context, temper, and decoration information for every ceramic sherd recovered through shovel probes. CERAMICSP.TXT is a comma delimited ASCII text file; CERAMICSP.XLS contains the same data in the form of an Excel spreadsheet. Each line in the ASCII file corresponds to one ceramic sherd. There are 736 lines, each with 82 variables separated by commas. The variables are listed in the following order:
1 | Number of the collection unit where the shovel probe was carried out. These correspond to the ID numbers provided in the COLL_NUMBERS layer of the Map of Collection Units page of this dataset. |
2 | Collection unit name. Provides the Russian site registry name and number that correspond to the collection unit where the probe was carried out. For sites encompassing more than one collection unit, a second sequential number is provided to uniquely identify each collection unit. Site names are provided for references purposes only, as the concept of "site" did not play any meaningful role in analysis. |
3 | Sherd ID. The unique identification code for each sherd gathered through shovel probes begins with the letter "s", followed by an alphanumeric code specific to each shovel probe location, followed by the sequential number of each individual sherd in the batch after the slash. |
4 | Archaeological culture assigned to the sherd. |
5 | Vessel number (for sherds that belong to a single vessel). |
6 | Period. MBA=Middle Bronze Age LBA=Late Bronze Age FBA=Final Bronze Age |
7 | Sherd type (body, rim, neck, shoulder, base, bottom, or unclear). |
8 | Weight (g). |
9 | Presence of decoration. 1=Yes 0=No |
10 | Talc temper. 1=Yes 0=No |
11 | Mica temper. 1=Yes 0=No |
12 | Quartz temper. 1=Yes 0=No |
13 | Grog temper. 1=Yes 0=No |
14 | Shell temper. 1=Yes 0=No |
15 | Organic temper (grass, manure). 1=Yes 0=No |
16 | Temper density (%). n/a=No temper. |
17 | Temper sorting. 1=Very poor 3=Fair 5=Very good |
18 | Smoothing. 1=Yes 0=No |
19 | Burnishing. 1=Yes 0=No |
20 | Striations left by scraping. Striations could have been applied by the following techniques: stamp (shtamp), wood chip (shepa), grass, or pebble (galka). 1=Present, but unable to tell the technique. 0=Absent. n/a=Sherd is badly damaged. |
21 | Relief of striations (deep, average, or shallow). 0=Striations absent. n/a=Sherd is badly damaged. |
22 | Light-brown. 1=Yes 0=No |
23 | Reddish-brown. 1=Yes 0=No |
24 | Grayish-brown. 1=Yes 0=No |
25 | Grayish-black. 1=Yes 0=No |
26 | Brownish-black. 1=Yes 0=No |
27 | Smoothed. 1=Yes 0=No n/a=Inner surface is badly damaged |
28 | Striations left by scraping. Striations could have been applied by the following techniques: stamp (shtamp), wood chip (shepa), grass, or pebble (galka). 1=Present, but unable to tell the technique. 0=Absent. |
29 | Relief of striations (deep, average, or shallow). 0=Striations absent. n/a=sherd is badly damaged. |
30 | Cloth imprints. 1=Present 0=Absent n/a=Sherd is badly damaged |
31 | Pot (gorshok). 1=Yes 0=No |
32 | Jar (banka). 1=Yes 0=No |
33 | Miniature vessel. 1=Yes 0=No |
34 | Orifice diameter (cm). |
35 | Percentage of the total vessel orifice circumference present. |
36 | Wall thickness (mm). n/a=Sherd was badly fragmented. |
37 | Bottom thickness (mm). |
38 | Vessel height (cm). |
39 | Flat (ploskiy). 1=Yes 0=No |
40 | Rounded (okruglyi). 1=Yes 0=No |
41 | Flat with smoothed appendage (ploskiy s naplyvom). 1=Yes 0=No |
42 | Beveled (kosoi srez). 1=Yes 0=No |
43 | Width of the bevel (mm) (if present). |
44 | Presence of ornament on the bevel. See "Ornamentation elements and their position on the vessel" section below for information on code numbers. |
45 | Collar (vorotnichek) 1=Yes 0=No |
46 | Collar height (mm). +=Collar present but height cannot be measured because of fragmentation. |
47 | Neck height (mm). |
48 | Straight. 1=Yes 0=No |
49 | Slightly bent outward (slegka otognutayta). 1=Yes 0=No |
50 | Substantially bent outward (silno otognutayta). 1=Yes 0=No |
51 | Presence of blank strip (svobodnaya polosa). 1=Yes 0=No |
52 | Ledge (ustup). 1=Yes 0=No |
53 | Angled (rebrom). 1=Yes 0=No |
54 | Angled-ledge (rebro-ustup). 1=Yes 0=No |
55 | Smoothed ledge (peregib). 1=Yes 0=No |
56 | Smooth (plavnyi perehod). 1=Yes 0=No |
57 | Truncated cone (usechenno-konicheskoye). 1=Yes 0=No |
58 | Slightly rounded (slegka razdutoye). 1=Yes 0=No |
59 | Position undetermined. |
60 | Rim. |
61 | Upper part of the neck. |
62 | Shoulder. |
63 | Lower neck. |
64 | All of the neck. |
65 | All of the body. |
66 | Upper body. |
67 | Lower body. |
68 | Bottom. |
69 | Distinct ormanetal zoning (razdeliteli). |
70 | Smoothed stamp (gladkiy shtamp). 1=Yes 0=No |
71 | Incising (procherchivanie). 1=Yes 0=No |
72 | Dragging of comb-stamp (protashennaya grebenka). 1=Yes 0=No |
73 | Fine comb-stamp (melkaya grebenka). 1=Yes 0=No |
74 | Average comb-stamp (srednaya grebenka). 1=Yes 0=No |
75 | Coarse comb-stamp (krupnaya grebenka). 1=Yes 0=No |
76 | Punctation (vdavleniya). 1=Yes 0=No |
77 | Wedge-shaped punctations (vdavleniya ugolkom greb. shtampa). 1=Yes 0=No |
78 | Fingernail punctation (nogtevye vdavleniya). 1=Yes 0=No |
79 | Fluting or straight grooves (kannelury). 1=Yes 0=No |
80 | Wavy grooves (zhelobki). 1=Yes 0=No |
81 | Neck as a seprate coil (sheika otdelnoi lentoi). 1=Yes 0=No |
82 | Visible traces of segmentation (sledy formovki). 1=Yes 0=No |
The first line of the ASCII text file, for example, looks like this:
5,Katsbah 2 1,s1011/1,Alakul,0,LBA,neck,11.4,1,1,0,1,0,0,0,10,3,1,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,8.0
This means that this sherd was recovered from a shovel probe carried out in collection unit number 5. The unique name of that collection unit, which incorporates the Russian site name, is Katsbah 2 1. The sherd was extracted from shovel probe s1011. It is the first sherd from the batch of sherds that came from that probe. The archaeological culture is Alakul. It is a Late Bronze Age sherd. It is a neck sherd that weighs 11.4 grams. It is decorated. It contains talc and quartz temper at the density of 10%. The temper is fairly sorted. The outer surface of this sherd is smoothed. The dominant color of the outer surface is grayish-brown. The inner surface of the sherd is smoothed. The vessel type is pot (gorshok). The wall thickness is 8 mm. The rim is flat, the neck is straight, and the shoulder is of the ledge (ustup) type. The upper part of the neck is decorated with the 84 ornament type, while the upper body is decorated with ornament type 2. Distinct ornamental zones are delineated with the help of ornament type 1. The ornament is applied using average comb-stamp (srednaya grebenka) ornamental technique. .
The last, or 736th line of the ASCII text file is:
This means that the sherd was recovered from a shovel probe carried out in collection unit number 20. The unique name of that collection unit, which incorporates the Russian site name, is SarymSakly2. The sherd was extracted from shovel probe s796. It is the first sherd from the batch of sherds that came from that probe. The archaeological culture is unknown. This sherd is not part of a reconstructed vessel and the period is unknown. It is unclear what part of the vessel the sherd belongs to. It weighs 0.1 g. It is not decorated. It includes quartz temper, at 5% density, fairly sorted. The outer surface is smoothed. The dominant color of the outer surface is reddish-brown. The inner surface of the sherd is also smoothed. The wall thickness is 5.9 mm.
Download the file CERAMICSP.TXT (146 KB) or the file CERAMICSP.XLS (481 MB).