Comparative Archaeology Database, University of Pittsburgh
Zingeyka River Valley Settlement Dataset |
The data files TP.TXT and TP.XLS provide general information about each excavated test pit, including the number of ceramic, bone, lithic, and other types of artifacts recovered. Test pits were excavated in arbitrary levels of 10 cm whenever possible down to sterile soil. TP.TXT is a comma delimited ASCII text file; TP.XLS contains the same data in the form of an Excel spreadsheet. Each line in the ASCII file corresponds to one arbitrary level within each test pit. There are 116 lines, each with 11 variables separated by commas. The variables are listed in the following order:
1 | Collection unit number. The collection unit number where the test pit was excavated. These correspond to the ID numbers provided in the COLL_NUMBERS layer of the Map of Collection Units page of this dataset. |
2 | Collection unit name. Provides the Russian site registry name and number that correspond to each collection unit where the test pit was excavated. For sites encompassing more than one collection unit, a second sequential number is provided to uniquely identify each collection unit. Site names are provided for references purposes only, as the concept of "site" did not play any meaningful role in analysis. |
3 | Test pit number. A unique number identifying each test pit which corresponds to the GPS waypoint of the excavation location. These correspond to the numbers provided in the TEST_PIT_NUMBERS layer of the Location of Test Pits page of this dataset. |
4 | Depth of the arbitrary level (cm). Test pits were excavated in arbitrary levels of 10 cm whenever possible down to the sterile soil. See the Stratigraphic Profiles section of this dataset for descriptions of the corresponding soil layers. |
5 | Number of ceramic sherds recovered from test pit. |
6 | Number of animal bones recovered from test pit. |
7 | Weight in grams of all animal bones recovered from test pit. |
8 | Number of chipped lithic artifacts recovered from test pit. |
9 | Number of other types of artifacts recovered. If multiple types of artifacts present, their quantity is seperated by a semicolon. |
10 | Types of "other" artifacts. Separated by semicolon if more than one. |
11 | Addtional notes. |
The first line of the ASCII text file, for example, looks like this:
8,Leb 1 1,691,0-10,22,8,12.5,1,0,,
This means this test pit was excavated in collection unit 8 (Russian site name: Leb 1 1). The test pit number (which corresponds to the GPS waypoint of the excavation location) is 691. The arbitrary level is 0-10, in which 22 ceramics, 8 animal bones weighing 12.5 grams, and 1 chipped lithic were recovered.
The last, or 116th line of the ASCII text file is:
7,katsbah 4,669, -20-45,0,3,36.7,0,0,,
This means that this test pit was excavated in collection unit 7 (Russian site name: Katsbah 4). The test pit number (which corresponds to the GPS waypoint of the excavation location) is 669. The arbitrary level is -20-45, in which three animal bones weighing 36.7 grams were recovered.
Download the file TP.TXT (6 KB) or the file TP.XLS (36 KB).