Comparative Archaeology Database, University of Pittsburgh

Prehispanic Chiefdoms in the Valle de la Plata: Formative 3 Communities Dataset
Luis Gonzalo Jaramillo E.

This dataset complements the book Prehispanic Chiefdoms in the Valle de la Plata, Volume 3: The Socioeconomic Structure of Formative 3 Communities by Luis Gonzalo Jaramillo E. (available from the University of Pittsburgh Center for Comparative Archaeology). It includes detailed information on the lithic and ceramic artifacts recovered in three phases of the fieldwork described in that volume: 1) the shovel probes excavated at various sites discussed in Chapter 2 (Series J91 and J92, see pp. 17); 2) the 1 by 2 m test pits discussed in Chapter 2 (C-I through C-X, see pp. 17); and 3) the expanded excavations at three sites discussed in Chapter 3 (C-XI, C-XII, and C-XIII, see pp. 17).

The Table of Contents of the published volume:

Funding to collect the data presented here was provided by a Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research Dissertation Fieldwork Grant (Award No. GR-5462).

Jaramillo E., Luis Gonzalo (1996a) Prehispanic Chiefdoms in the Valle de la Plata, Volume 3: The Socioeconomic Structure of Formative 3 Communities. University of Pittsburgh Memoirs in Latin American Archaeology, No. 10.
Jaramillo E., Luis Gonzalo (1996b) Prehispanic Chiefdoms in the Valle de la Plata: Formative 3 Communities Dataset. Comparative Archaeology Database, University of Pittsburgh. URL: <>.

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These data files are organized in the form of ASCII text files that can be read directly or easily imported to an application program such as a database manager or statistics package.

Ceramics from the shovel probes (Series J91 and J92): This file contains data for 640 lots where ceramics were recovered in the shovel probe operations. The contents for every lot are presented in one line, and the data file has 640 lines, with 11 variables separated by commas. Ceramics from excavations: This file contains data from 306 lots where ceramics were found in the excavations (see Chapter 4). Every lot is listed as one line in the file and the data file has 306 lines in all. Every line has 36 variables separated by commas.
Ceramic information from rims: This file contains information from the ceramic analysis conducted on rim sherds only (see pp. 123-125 for how the analysis was performed). The file has 119 lines with each line representing one lot number. The 28 variables are separated by commas. Lithic material from both shovel probes and excavations: This file contains data for lots where lithics were recovered for both the shovel probes and excavations. The contents of every lot are presented in one line and the data file has 311 lines with 53 variables separated by commas.
Obsidian artifacts: This file contains data from 238 lots where obsidian was found (see Chapter 4) from both surface collections (1992 season) and from excavations. The first 94 lines correspond to the materials recovered during the collections and the following 144 refer to the obsidian procured from excavations. Every lot is listed as one line in the file. The data file has 238 lines in all. Every line has 39 variables separated by commas. Measurement and provenience information from the excavations: This file contains data that provides both provenience and measurement information for every lot number from the excavations. There are 377 lines in the file and each lot corresponds to one line.

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