Comparative Archaeology Database, University of Pittsburgh

Prehispanic Chiefdoms in the Valle de la Plata: Formative 3 Communities Dataset
Luis Gonzalo Jaramillo E.

Ceramics from the shovel probes (Series J91 and J92) 1991-92

This file contains data for 640 lots where ceramics were recovered in the shovel probe operations. The contents for every lot are presented in one line, the data file CERA9192.TXT has 640 lines, with 11 variables separated by commas. The 11 variables are, in the following order:

1 Series (J91 or J92, see pp. 17)
2 Lot number (see pp. 15-17)
3 Site number in the Valle de la Plata (see pp. 17)
4 Lot number of the Valle de la Plata regional mapping (see pp. 17)
5 Number of Barranquilla Buff sherds (see Fig. 1.3 on pp. 5)
6 Number of Guacas Reddish Brown sherds (see Fig. 1.3 on pp. 5)
7 Number of Lourdes Red Slipped sherds (see Fig 1.3 on pp. 5)
8 Number of Planaditas Burnished Red sherds (see Fig 1.3 on pp. 5)
9 Number of Tachuelo Burnished sherds (see Fig. 1.3 on pp. 5)
10 Number of unidentified sherds
11 Total number of sherds in the lot

The first line of the file, for example, looks like this:


Which indicates in Series J91 the lot number 1 in Valle de la Plata site VP2077, corresponding to the lot number BE/2075 in the regional survey. This lot is composed of 1 Barranquilla Buff sherd and 2 sherds of Guacas Reddish Brown. Since there are no other sherds in the lot, the total number of sherds for the lot is 3. The quotation marks around "J91" indicate that this variable is alphanumeric.

The last (640th) line is:


Which indicates in Series J92 the lot number 497 in Valle de la Plata site VP1016, corresponding to the lot number 87/357 in the regional survey. This lot contains 5 sherds of the ceramic type Planaditas Burnished Red.

Click here to download the file CERA9192.TXT (21,736 bytes).

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