Comparative Archaeology Database, University of Pittsburgh
Prehispanic Chiefdoms
in the Valle de la Plata: Formative 3 Communities
Dataset |
This file contains data for lots where lithics were recovered for both the shovel probes and excavations. The contents of every lot are presented in one line and the data file LITICO.TXT has 311 lines with 53 variables separated by commas. The variables are, in the following order:
1 | Series (if a shovel probe) or Corte Number (if an excavation) (see pp. 17) |
2 | Lot number (see pg. 15-17) |
3 | Site number in the Valle de la Plata (see pp. 17) |
4 | Lot number of the Valle de la Plata regional mapping (see pp. 17) |
5 | Square designation for areal excavations C-XI, C-XII, C-XIII. The plan view of these square assignments can be seen in Figures 3.4 (C-XI), 3.22 (C-XII), and 3.11 (C-XIII). This variable is "0" for the J91, J92 and C-I through C-X operations. |
6 | Level (see pp. 17) |
7 | Total number of lithics in the entire lot |
8 | Total number of quartz lithics (see pp. 125 for raw material descriptions) |
9 | Total number of quartzite lithics |
10 | Total number of andesite lithics |
11 | Total number of dacite lithics |
12 | Total number of rhyolite lithics |
13 | Total number of pumice lithics |
14 | Total number of gneiss amphibolithic lithics |
15 | Total number of chert lithics |
16 | Total number of black argillite lithics |
17 | Total number of brown argillite lithics |
18 | Total number of unidentified lithics |
19 | Total number of granodiorite lithics |
20 | Total number of sandstone lithics |
21 | Number of quartz chunks (see pp. 125 for morphological definitions) |
22 | Number of quartz debitage |
23 | Number of quartz flakes |
24 | Number of quartz utilized flakes |
25 | Number of quartzite chunks |
26 | Number of quartzite debitage |
27 | Number of quartzite flakes |
28 | Number of brown argillite chunks |
29 | Number of brown argillite nuclei |
30 | Number of brown argillite flakes |
31 | Number of black argillite flakes |
32 | Number of gneiss amphibolithic flakes |
33 | Number of unidentified chunks |
34 | Number of unidentified debitage |
35 | Number of unidentified flakes |
36 | Number of andesite chunks |
37 | Number of andesite debitage |
38 | Number of andesite nuclei |
39 | Number of andesite flakes |
40 | Number of dacite chunks |
41 | Number of dacite debitage |
42 | Number of dacite flakes |
43 | Number of dacite utilized flakes |
44 | Number of rhyolite chunks |
45 | Number of rhyolite debitage |
46 | Number of rhyolite nuclei |
47 | Number of rhyolite flakes |
48 | Number of rhyolite utilized flakes |
49 | Number of sandstone chunks |
50 | Number of pumice chunks |
51 | Number of chert chunks |
52 | Number of chert debitage |
53 | Number of chert flakes |
The first line of the file (which represents 1 lot), for example, looks like this:
Which indicates that lot 12 was in Series J92. It is in Valle de la Plata site number VP467 and lot number LA/75 in the regional survey. The zero with quotations ("0") confirms that this has no square assignment and is therefore not an areal excavation. Field 7 indicates that this lot contains 2 lithic fragments and Field 12 indicates that they are both rhyolite. Finally, Field 47 indicates that they are flakes.
The last line (311th) of the file (which represents 1 lot) is:
Lot 356 is at Corte XIII in Valle de la Plata site VP467. Specific provenience information indicates that the lithics came from square M, level 5. Field 7 indicates that there is a total of 1 lithic fragment, Field 12 indicates it is rhyolite, and Field 47 indicates that it is a flake.
Click here to download the file LITICO.TXT (36,485 bytes).