Comparative Archaeology Database, University of Pittsburgh

San Ramón de Alajuela Settlement Dataset
Mauricio Murillo Herrera

The San Ramón de Alajuela Settlement Dataset complements the book Precolumbian Social Change in San Ramón de Alajuela, Costa Rica by Mauricio Murillo Herrera (available from the University of Pittsburgh Center for Comparative Archaeology). It provides detailed data on the location and materials of archaeological sites in the San Ramón region of Costa Rica, which are discussed in full in the printed volume, whose contents are as follows:

Additional relevant publications:

Martín, Alexander J. and Mauricio Murillo Herrera (2014) Networks of Interaction and Functional Interdependence in Societies across the Intermediate Area. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 36:60-71.
Murillo Herrera, Mauricio (2010) Diversidad Sociopolítica en Costa Rica Precolombina. Implicaciones para la Comprensión del Cambio Social. International Journal of South American Archaeology 6:16-34.

Funding to collect the data presented here was provided by a National Science Foundation Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Grant (Award No. BCS-0726548) and the Universidad de Costa Rica (Research proyect No. 211-A6-206).

Murillo Herrera, Mauricio (2011a) Precolumbian Social Change in San Ramón de Alajuela, Costa Rica. University of Pittsburgh Memoirs in Latin American Archaeology, No. 22.
Murillo Herrera, Mauricio (2011b) San Ramón de Alajuela Settlement Dataset. Comparative Archaeology Database, University of Pittsburgh. URL: <>.

Questions or comments about this dataset or the Comparative Archaeology Database can be directed to via email.

Designed by Alexander J. Martín and Faith Ruck

Numeric Data

Numeric data are provided in two file formats. Comma-delimited text files should be easy to import into spreadsheet, database, and statistical programs for manipulation and analysis. Excel spreadsheets are easier to browse, and can also be imported into many programs. The numeric data files are as follows:

Lot Information: Location and area for collection lots, in addition to the types of collections carried out in each of them. Ceramics Inventory: Ceramic counts by form, temper size, and decoration for every collection lot in the survey area.
Foreign Ceramics: Foreign ceramic counts for every collection lot in the survey area. Ceramic Density by Phase: Counts and densities of ceramic material for each collection lot (by phase).

Spatial Information

Maps are provided as AutoCAD (Release 12) DXF and Esri SHP files.

Spatial Information: Map with the location of each collection lot within the study area, including local topography and rivers. Barba Phase Occupation Map
Pavas Phase Occupation Map Curridabat Phase Occupation Map
Cartago Phase Occupation Map Modern Settlement Map: A map providing the location of present day settlements within the study area.
Geological Map: A map providing the geological composition of soils for the study area.

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