Geological Map
GEOLOGY.DXF is a map providing the geological composition of soils for the San Ramón area. The maps are georeferenced to topographic maps in coordinate systems projected from latitude and longitude (Lambert North Projection) using Clarke 1866 ellipsoid and Ocotepeque Datum (Fundamental de Ocotepeque) of 1935. Units are expressed in meters. The Source of the information contained within comes from the Mapa geológico de Costa Rica, 2007 The layers and their contents are:
- STUDY-AREA (white/black) -- The boundary of the survey area.
- MIOCENE_VULCANISM (red) -- Polylines delimiting soils associated with Miocene Vulcanism (7-5 Ma).
- PLIO-PLEISTOCENE_LAVAS (magenta) -- Polylines delimiting soils associated with Plio-Pleistocene Lavas and brecclas (2.1-1.0 Ma).
- PLEISTOCENE_VULCANISM (green) -- Polylines delimiting soils associated with Pleistocene Vulcanism (0.6-0.2 Ma).
- PLIO-PLEISTOCENE DIATOMITES (cyan) -- Polylines delimiting soils associated with Plio-Pleistocene diatomites, fluvial- lacustrine and palustrine lutites.
- PLEISTOCENE_IGNIMBRITES_AND_TUFFTS (brown) -- Polylines delimiting soils associated with Pleistocene ignimbrites and tuffts (1.8-0.3 Ma).
- VOLCANO-TECTONIC_COLLAPSED_STRUCTURE (gray) -- Polylines delimiting the boudaries and epicenter of Volcano-tectonic collapsed structures within the study area.
- RIVERS (blue) -- Polylines delimiting the course of rivers.
Download the file GEOLOGY.DXF (151 KB).
The same information is also provided in the ArcGIS .SHP format in the file GEOLOGY.ZIP (70 KB), which uses the UTM Zone 16N (units are meters) coordinate system based on the WGS84 datum.
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