Comparative Archaeology Database, University of Pittsburgh
Río Tonosí Valley Settlement Dataset |
This dataset complements the dissertation Organization and Growth among Early Complex Societies in Central Pacific Panama by Charles A. Berrey (which can be freely downloaded from the University of Pittsburgh's Electronic Theses and Dissertations Database). It provides detailed regional survey data gathered in the Río Tonosí valley of Central Pacific Panama. The data are discussed in full in the dissertation, whose contents are as follows:
- Chapter 1: Inequality and Variability among Early Complex Societies
- Chapter 2: Studying Regional Demography in the Río Tonosí Valley
- Chapter 3: Early Complex Society Growth in the Río Tonosí Valley
- Chapter 4: Early Complex Society Growth in the Río Parita Valley
- Chapter 5: Organization and Growth in the Río Tonosí and Río Parita Valleys
- Appendix
Funding to collect the data presented here was provided by a National Science Foundation Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Grant (Award No. BCS-1048453).
Berrey, Charles A. (2014) Organization and Growth among Early Complex Societies in Central Pacific Panama. Ph.D. Dissertation, Department of Anthropology, University of Pittsburgh.
Berrey, Charles A. (2014) Río Tonosí Valley Settlement Dataset. Comparative Archaeology Database, University of Pittsburgh. URL: <>.
Questions or comments about this dataset or the Comparative Archaeology Database can be directed to via email.
Spatial information is provided as AutoCAD drawing exchange (.DXF) files (Release 12), which can be read by many CAD and GIS programs, and as Idrisi raster files and GeoTIFF raster files, which can be imported into many GIS programs. Since both raster formats produce large files, they are provided as compressed .ZIP files. The .ZIP file for the Idrisi format contains the two files required for a complete Idrisi raster layer (.RDC and .RST), and the .ZIP file for the GeoTIFF format also contains the two necessary files (.TFW and .TIF).
The coordinate system for all spatial data is UTM Zone 17 N (units are in meters) based on the WGS84 datum. Raster files have 1350 columns and 900 rows; the minimum and maximum X-coordinates are 542000 and 555500 m; the minimum and maximum Y-coordinates are 818500 and 827500 m; raster cell resolution is thus 10 by 10 m.
The spatial data are as follows:
Numeric data are provided in two file formats: a comma-delimited text (.TXT) file and an Excel spreadsheet (.XLS) file. The numeric data are as follows:
Collection lot data: Information about the size, type, and contents of each collection lot. |
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