Comparative Archaeology Database, University of Pittsburgh

Río Tonosí Valley Settlement Dataset
Charles A. Berrey


Data on soil productivity are provided in vector format and two raster formats. Information about the classification of different soil zones can be found in Chapter 2 of the corresponding dissertation.

In vector format, there is an AutoCAD (Release 12) .DXF file called SOILS.DXF. It contains AutoCAD closed polylines that correspond to different soil zones within the study area. The elevation, or z-value, of each polyline corresponds to its productivity class (i.e. polylines with an elevation of 1 delimit an area of Class I soil). All of these polylines occur on a single layer called SOILS (color Green). Click here to download the file SOILS.DXF (189 KB).

In raster format, cell values are productivity rankings (i.e. cell values of 1 correspond to Class I soils). The Idrisi raster layers are in SOILS-IDRISI.ZIP (a compressed file that contains SOILS.RDC and SOILS.RST). Click here to download the file SOILS-IDRISI.ZIP (15 KB). The GeoTIFF format is in SOILS-GEOTIFF.ZIP (a compressed file that contains SOILS.TFW and SOILS.TIF). Click here to download the file SOILS-GEOTIFF.ZIP (16 KB).

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