Comparative Archaeology Database, University of Pittsburgh

Upper Daling Region Hongshan Household and Community Dataset
Christian E. Peterson, Lu Xueming, Robert D. Drennan, and Zhu Da

Ceramics Variables Used in Multivariate Analysis

The data files CERVARS.TXT and CERVARS.XLS contain the data on Hongshan lithics aggregated by household unit. CERVARS.TXT is a comma-delimited ASCII text file, which should be easy to import into spreadsheet, database, and statistical programs for manipulation and analysis. CERVARS.XLS contains the same data in the form of an Excel spreadsheet which is easier to browse, and can also be imported into many programs. The 50 household units from Dongshanzui, Sanjia, and Erbuchi are all included, as are the 19 household units from Fushanzhuang, which were eventually included among the published multivariate analyses. As described in the Introduction the exploratory analyses were performed only on the Upper Daling household units (Dongshanzui, Sanjia, and Erbuchi). Once the final form of the analysis had been arrived at, this final analysis was also performed on the Fushanzhuang households for comparison. For this reason, data for all the variables in the exploration are included for the Upper Daling household units. Data for Fushanzhuang are present only for the variables used in the final analyses (as well as proportion of tongxingqi); 999 is used as a missing data code for the variables omitted for Fushanzhuang households. The percentages and ratios in CERVARS.TXT and CERVARS.XLS are derived from the ceramic data counts presented elsewhere in this dataset for the Upper Daling household units and in the Fushanzhuang Community Dataset for the Fushanzhuang household units. Each line in CERVARS.TXT and CERVARS.XLS represents one household unit. There are 69 lines, each containing 20 variables in the following order:

1 Household Unit. The number of the household unit the line represents. 001-023 are from Sanjia; 101-117 are from Dongshanzui; 201-210 are from Erbuchi; numbers beginning with F are from Fushanzhuang.
2 % Decorated Sherds. Number of Hongshan sherds with incised Z motifs, other incising, finger nail impressions, appliqué bands, or painted designs / total Hongshan sherds. (Used in final analyses.)
3 % Incised Horizontal Z Motifs. Number of Hongshan sherds with incised horizontal Z motifs / total Hongshan decorated sherds.
4 % Incised Vertical Z Motifs. Number of Hongshan sherds with incised vertical Z motifs / total Hongshan decorated sherds.
5 % Incised Other Motifs. Number of Hongshan sherds with incised motifs other than horizontal or vertical Z motifs / total Hongshan decorated sherds.
6 % Incised. Number of Hongshan sherds with any kind of incising / total Hongshan decorated sherds.
7 % Painted. Number of Hongshan sherds with painted designs / total Hongshan decorated sherds.
8 % Appliqué Band. Number of Hongshan sherds with appliqué bands / total Hongshan decorated sherds.
9 % Finger Nail Impressions. Number of Hongshan sherds with finger nail impressions / total Hongshan decorated sherds.
10 % Slipped Sherds. Number of Hongshan clay slipped sherds / total fine paste Hongshan sherds. Coarse paste Hongshan sherds are not slipped. (Used in final analyses.)
11 % Burnished Sherds. Number of Hongshan sherds with burnished surfaces / total Hongshan sherds.
12 % Orange Sherds. Number of Hongshan sherds with orange surfaces / total Hongshan sherds.
13 % Brown Sherds. Number of Hongshan sherds with brown surfaces / total Hongshan sherds.
14 % Gray Sherds. Number of Hongshan sherds with gray surfaces / total Hongshan sherds.
15 % Black Sherds. Number of Hongshan sherds with black surfaces / total Hongshan sherds.
16 % Yellow-Brown Sherds. Number of Hongshan sherds with yellow-brown surfaces / total Hongshan sherds.
17 % Coarse Paste Sherds. Number of Hongshan coarse paste sherds / total Hongshan sherds.
18 % Fine Paste Sherds. Number of Hongshan fine paste sherds / total Hongshan sherds. (Used in final analyses.)
19 % Serving Vessels. Number of Hongshan sherds from serving vessels (bowls [bo], basins [pen], and cups [bei]) / total Hongshan sherds from identifiable utilitarian vessel forms (bowls, basins, cups, cooking pots/jars [guan], jugs [hu], and urns [weng]). (Used in final analyses.)
20 % Tongxingqi. Number of Hongshan sherds from tongxingqi (hollow bottomless cylinders) / total Hongshan sherds.

The first line of the ASCII text file CERVARS.TXT, for example, looks like this:


This means that the line contains data from Household Unit 001 (at Sanjia). 2.6% of the Hongshan sherds were decorated. Of the total number of decorated sherds 0.0% had incised horizontal Z motifs, 0.0% had incised vertictal Z motifs, 0.0% had other incised motifs, 60.0% had incised decoration of any kind, 40.0% had painted decoration, 0.0% had appliqué bands, and 0.0% had finger nail impressions. Of the fine paste sherds, 0.0% were slipped. Of the total Hongshan sherds, 0.0% were burnished, 99.6% were orange ware, 0.1% were brown ware, 0.1% were gray ware, 0.0% were black ware, 0.1% were yellow-brown ware, 0.1% had coarse paste, and 99.9% had fine paste. Of the identifiable Hongshan utilitarian vessel forms, 50.0% were serving vessels. And of the total Hongshan sherds, 6.1% were tongxingqi.

The last, or 69th line of the ASCII text file CERVARS.TXT is:


This means that the line contains data from Household Unit F16A-B (at Fushanzhuang). 0.3% of the Hongshan sherds were decorated. Proportions of decorative motifs and techniques were not calculated for this Fushanzhuang household because they were not used in the final analyses. Of the fine paste sherds, 0.0% were slipped. Proportions of burnishing, wares of different colors, and coarse paste were not calculated for this Fushanzhuang household because they were not used in the final analyses. Of the total Hongshan sherds 50.0% had fine paste. Of the identifiable Hongshan utilitarian vessel forms, 20.0% were serving vessels. And of the total Hongshan sherds, 0.0% were tongxingqi.

Download the file CERVARS.TXT (16 KB) or the file CERVARS.XLS (26 KB).

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