Comparative Archaeology Database, University of Pittsburgh

El Dornajo Community Dataset
Sarah R. Taylor

Lithic Inventory

The data files LITHICS.TXT and LITHICS.XLS contain data on each ground and chipped stone artifact recovered through surface collections and excavations at El Dornajo. LITHICS.TXT is a comma delimited ASCII text file. LITHICS.XLS contains the same data in the form of an Excel spreadsheet. Each line in the comma delimited file represents one artifact. There are 57 lines, each with 10 variables separated by commas. The variables are, in the following order:

1 Unit: A 1 x 1 m test pit or a 2 m diameter surface collection; see maps on pages 41 and 42 of the dissertation.
2 Stratum: A natural or cultural layer distinguishable from others by its soil characteristics. A code of “surface" identifies a surface collection.
3 Level: Arbitrary levels within stata of 10 cm (or less when a stratum change was encountered). A code of "na" indicates either that the unit was a surface collection or that the strata in the unit were not excavated in levels.
4 A description and/or number of any feature that is contained in or associated with this unit. A code of "na" means no feature was associated with the unit.
5 Object: Identifies the kind of lithic artifact. Flake types are identified according to the Sullivan and Rozen (1985:759) technique (see PDF).
6 Material
7 Weight (g)
8 Length (mm)

For groundstone and polishing stones, length is the long axis.

For flakes and tools, length is measured from the distal to the proximal end.

Blank cells indicate that the desired measurement was not available.
9 Width (mm)

For groundstone and polishing stones, width is the short axis.

For flakes and tools, width is measured at the widest point between the right and left edges.

Blank cells indicate that the desired measurement was not available.
10 Thickness (mm)

For groundstone and polishing stones, thickness is measured from the polished/ground face of the artifact to the opposite side of the artifact.

For flakes and tools, thickness is measured at the median thickness point between the dorsal and ventral sides.

Blank cells indicate that the desired measurement was not available.

The first line of the ASCII text file, for example, is:

7,A,na,na,groundstone frag,gray basalt,7,,,

This indicates that the artifact belongs to Unit 7, Stratum A, but no level is specified. There is also no feature specified. The artifact is a groundstone fragment made out of gray basalt with a weight of 7 grams. No length, width, or thickness are specified.

The last, or 57th, line of the ASCII text file is:

Tola Unit 3,E,2,na,tertiary flake,black basalt,5,31,21,5

This indicates that the artifact belongs to the Tola Unit 3, Stratum E, Level 2. There is no feature specified. The artifact is a tertiary flake made out of black basalt with a weight of 5 grams. It has a length of 31 mm, a width of 21 mm, and a thickness of 5 mm.

Click here to download the file LITHICS.TXT (3 KB) or the file LITHICS.XLS (25 KB).

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