Comparative Archaeology Database, University of Pittsburgh

Prehispanic Chiefdoms in the Valle de la Plata: Vertical Economy Dataset
Dale W. Quattrin

Excavation Lot Information

The file EXCLOT.TXT consists of the information on the location of each context or "lot" excavated from the four sites where expanded excavation was conducted. These data are in the form of an ASCII text file that can be read directly or easily imported to an application program such as a database manager or statistics package. The file contains 472 lines, one for each lot number. On each line are 12 numbers or text strings, separated by commas. The 12 variables are, in the following order:

1 Site Number
2 Lot Number
3 Stratum
4 Excavation Square Coordinates
5 Area Excavated (square meters)
6 Maximum Upper Elevation of Context (meters)
7 Minimum Upper Elevation of Context (meters)
8 Maximum Lower Elevation of Context (meters)
9 Minimum Lower Elevation of Context (meters)
10 Average Thickness of Context (meters)
11 Volume of Soil Excavated (cubic meters)
12 Method of Excavation (G= Shovel, P=Trowel, Z=screen)

The first line of the file, for example, looks like this:


It contains information for site VP447, excavation lot 1, stratum number 1, excavation square coordinates 400/106, the area excavated is 2 square meters, the maximum upper elevation is 2254.42 m, the minimum upper elevation is 2254.13 m, the maximum lower elevation is 2254.3 m, the minimum lower elevation is 2254.03 m, the average thickness is 0.11 m, the volume is 0.22 cubic meters, and the method of excavation is GZ (shovel and screen).

The last (or 472nd) line of the file is:


It contains information for site VP1125, excavation lot 94, stratum number 4, excavation square coordinates 280/111, the area excavated is 0.03 square meters, the maximum upper elevation is 1594.95 m, the minimum upper elevation is blank (not applicable), the maximum lower elevation is blank (not applicable), the minimum lower elevation is 1594.74 m, the average thickness is 0.21 m, the volume is 0.01 cubic meters, and the method of excavation is P (trowel).

Click here to download the file EXCLOT.TXT (31 KB).

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