Comparative Archaeology Database, University of Pittsburgh

Prehispanic Chiefdoms in the Valle de la Plata: Vertical Economy Dataset
Dale W. Quattrin

This dataset complements the book Prehispanic Chiefdoms in the Valle de la Plata, Volume 4: Vertical Economy, Interchange, and Social Change during the Formative Period by Dale W. Quattrin (available from the University of Pittsburgh Center for Comparative Archaeology). It consists of the detailed data from the excavations carried out at four Formative Period households at different elevations in the Valle de la Plata. These are discussed in full in the printed volume, whose contents are as follows:

Funding to collect the data presented here was provided by a National Science Foundation Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Grant (Award No. BNS-9120749).

Quattrin, Dale W. (1999a) Prehispanic Chiefdoms in the Valle de la Plata, Volume 4: Vertical Economy, Interchange, and Social Change during the Formative Period.. University of Pittsburgh Memoirs in Latin American Archaeology, No. 11.
Quattrin, Dale W. (1999b) Prehispanic Chiefdoms in the Valle de la Plata: Vertical Economy Dataset. Comparative Archaeology Database, University of Pittsburgh. URL: <>.

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This dataset provides artifact inventories from shovel probes and large-scale excavation, as well as provenience information. The files are organized in the form of ASCII text files that can be read directly or easily imported to an application program such as a database manager or statistics package.

Artifacts from the shovel probes: Types and quantities of all classes of artifacts obtained during the intensive shovel testing of all 23 sites selected for initial investigation. Artifacts from large-scale excavations: Types and quantities of all classes of artifacts obtained during the large-scale excavations at the four household clusters at sites VP447, VP2438, VP817, and VP1125.
Measurement and provenience information: for every lot number from the large-scale excavations.

Additionally, there are maps of the location of shovel test probes in the form AutoCad .DXF files (ASCII).

Maps of shovel probes: These files include all of the sites investigated with intensive shovel probe testing before the larger excavations at the four households described in the text.

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