Comparative Archaeology Database, University of Pittsburgh

Fushanzhuang Community Dataset
Christian E. Peterson

Lithic Inventory

The data files LITHICS.TXT and LITHICS.XLS provide lithic artifact counts for each of the 19 intensive surface collection grids. The locations of the grids are given in Peterson (2006:37). Intensive surface collections were carried out in three phases (Peterson 2006:24); the counts presented here are the sums for all three collection phases. LITHICS.TXT is an ASCII text file; LITHICS.XLS contains the same data in the form of an Excel spreadsheet. Each line represents one collection grid. There are 19 lines in the text file, each with 42 variables separated by commas. The variables are, in the following order:

1 Intensive surface collection grid number

Large Fraction Lithic Artifact Analysis (including debitage greater than 25 mm and all tools irrespective of size; see Peterson 2006:97):

2 Number of utilized flakes
3 Number of retouched flakes (includes "retouched flakes" and "utilized and retouched flakes")
4 Number of blades
5 Number of retouched blades
6 Number of unifacially worked scraping/chopping tools
7 Number of bifacially worked scraping/chopping tools
8 Number of cores
9 Number of hammerstones
10 Quantity of debris/shatter
11 Quantity of utilized debris/shatter
12 Number of tool blanks/unfinished tools
13 Number of grooved abraders/polishers
14 Number of drills
15 Number of gravers
16 Number of awls
17 Number of knives
18 Number of projectile points
19 Number of axes/adzes
20 Number of shovels/hoes/plows
21 Number of grinding slabs and/or rollers (for food processing)
22 Number of multipurpose grinders
23 Number of identified artifacts (sum of variables 2 through 22)
24 Number of unidentified artifacts

Large Fraction Typological Analysis of Debitage (after Sullivan and Rosen 1985):

25 Number of "complete flakes" among artifacts counted in variables 2 through 5
26 Number of "broken flakes" among artifacts counted in variables 2 through 5
27 Number of "flake fragments" among artifacts counted in variables 2 through 5
28 Total "shatter" (sum of variables 10 and 11)
29 Total large fraction debitage (sum of variables 25 through 28)
30 Total large fraction debitage with cortex

Mass Analysis of Debitage (after Ahler 1989):

31 Total small and medium fraction debitage (not subjected to typological analysis)
32 Total small, medium and large fraction debitage (sum of variables 29 and 31)
33 Total debitage in Size Grade 1
34 Total debitage in Size Grade 2
35 Total debitage in Size Grade 3
36 Large fraction debitage with cortex in Size Grade 1
37 Large fraction debitage with cortex in Size Grade 2
38 Large fraction debitage with cortex in Size Grade 3
39 Total weight of small, medium and large fraction debitage (grams)
40 Weight of debitage in Size Grade 1 (grams)
41 Weight of debitage in Size Grade 2 (grams)
42 Weight of debitage in Size Grade 3 (grams)

The first line of the ASCII text file, for example, looks like this:


This indicates that the lithic artifacts came from collection grid F01, which contained 4 utilized flakes, 0 retouched flakes, 0 blades, 1 retouched blade, 0 unifacially worked scraping/chopping tools, 2 bifacially worked scraping/chopping tools, 1 core, 0 hammerstones, 38 pieces of debris/shatter, 0 pieces of utilized debris/shatter, 1 tool blank/unfinished tool, 0 grooved abraders/polishers, 0 drills, 0 gravers, 0 awls, 0 knives, 3 projectile points, 0 axes/adzes, 0 shovels/hoes/plows, 1 grinding slab and/or roller (for food processing), and 0 multipurpose grinders for a total of 51 identified artifacts (the sum of variables 2 through 22) and 8 unidentified artifacts. Following the Sullivan and Rosen (1985) typology, among the artifacts counted in variables 2 through 5 there are 18 complete flakes, 11 broken flakes, 3 flake fragments, and a total of 10 pieces of shatter (the sum of variables 10 and 11). The total large fraction debitage count is 43 (the sum of variables 25 through 28), and the total count of large fraction debitage with cortex is 26. The total small and medium fraction debitage is 104. The total small, medium and large fraction debitage (the sum of variables 29 and 31) is 147. The total debitage count for Size Grade 1 is 9. The total debitage count for Size Grade 2 is 65. The total debitage count for Size Grade 3 is 73. The large fraction debitage with cortex count in Size Grade 1 is 8. The large fraction debitage with cortex count in Size Grade 2 is 18. The large fraction debitage with cortex count in Size Grade 3 is 0. The total weight of small, medium and large fraction debitage is 218.7 g. The weight of debitage in Size Grade 1 is 66.1 g, in Size Grade 2 it is 122.5 g, and in Size Grade 3 it is 30.1 g.

The last (19th) line of the ASCII text file is:


This indicates that the lithic artifacts came from collection grid F16A-B, which contained 1 utilized flake, 0 retouched flakes, 0 blades, 0 retouched blades, 1 unifacially worked scraping/chopping tools, 0 bifacially worked scraping/chopping tools, 1 core, 0 hammerstones, 52 pieces of debris/shatter, 0 pieces of utilized debris/shatter, 0 tool blanks/unfinished tool, 0 grooved abraders/polishers, 0 drills, 0 gravers, 0 awls, 0 knives, 0 projectile points, 0 axes/adzes, 0 shovels/hoes/plows, 0 grinding slabs and/or rollers (for food processing), and 0 multipurpose grinders for a total of 55 identified artifacts (the sum of variables 2 through 22) and 3 unidentified artifacts. Following the Sullivan and Rosen (1985) typology, among the artifacts counted in variables 2 through 5 there are 24 complete flakes, 10 broken flakes, 13 flake fragments, and a total of 6 pieces of shatter (the sum of variables 10 and 11). The total large fraction debitage count is 53 (the sum of variables 25 through 28) and the total count of large fraction debitage with cortex is 28. The total small and medium fraction debitage is 18. The total small, medium and large fraction debitage (the sum of variables 29 and 31) is 71. The total debitage count for Size Grade 1 is 12. The total debitage count for Size Grade 2 is 43. The total debitage count for Size Grade 3 is 16. The large fraction debitage with cortex count in Size Grade 1 is 11. The large fraction debitage with cortex count in Size Grade 2 is 15. The large fraction debitage with cortex count in Size Grade 3 is 3. The total weight of small, medium and large fraction debitage is 165.6 g. The weight of debitage in Size Grade 1 is 79.5 g, in Size Grade 2 it is 77.1 g, and in Size Grade 3 it is 9.0 g.

Click here to download the file LITHICS.TXT (3 KB) or the file LITHICS.XLS (35 KB).

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