Comparative Archaeology Database, University of Pittsburgh

San Agustín-Isnos Settlement Dataset
Robert D. Drennan, Víctor González Fernández, and Carlos Augusto Sánchez

Ceremonial Monument Locations Map

The locations of ceremonial monument construction in the San Agustín-Isnos survey zone are provided in both vector and raster formats. For vector format there is an AutoCAD (Release 12) .DXF file named MONSMAP.DXF. The layers in this drawing, their colors, and the information contained on each are as follows:

Click here to download the file MONSMAP.DXF (31 KB).

For raster format there are Idrisi and GeoTIFF files with parameters matching those of the rest of the GIS dataset. The cell values in this layer are 0 except for one cell at the location of each ceremonial monument site; that cell has a value equal to the ceremonial site number (see numeric data on ceremonial monuments).

For Idrisi files, click here to download the file MONS_IDRISI.ZIP (12 KB).

For GEOTIFF files, click here to download the file MONS_TIFF.ZIP (12 KB).

This map has also been converted to MAGNA-SIRGAS Bogotá West zone (EPSG:3115) (see Table of Contents).

Click here to download the file MONSMAPSIRGAS.DXF (9.83 MB).

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