Comparative Archaeology Database, University of Pittsburgh

San Agustín-Isnos Settlement Dataset
Robert D. Drennan, Víctor González Fernández, and Carlos Augusto Sánchez

Monument Data

The data files MONUMENTS.TXT and MONUMENTS.XLS contain data on all mounds and large-scale tombs, statues and stone sarcophagi recorded on survey or by consultation with informants. Many of the statues are no longer in the sites where they once were. MONUMENTS.TXT is an ASCII text file; MONUMENTS.XLS contains the same data in the form of an Excel spreadsheet. Each line represents one or more monuments, grouped by mounds with which they are (or were) associated and sites were they are (or were) located. Since there are different columns for data on different kinds of stone carvings, sometimes two of different kinds (e.g. a statue and a sarcophagus) share a single line. This spreadsheet with subtotals for groups of lines representing each discrete ceremonial site is unlikely to be suitable for direct importation to non-spreadsheet programs. For fuller discussion of the calculations in the spreadsheet, see Chapter 3. There are 342 lines in the text file, each with 32 variables separated by commas. The variables are, in the following order:

1 Ceremonial site number: A sequence number (1–66) for the 66 ceremonial sites in the spreadsheet, if this is the first line that corresponds to a site
2 Site name, if this is the first line that corresponds to a site
3 Mound number: A sequence number (1–84, although not all numbers in this range are used) assigned to mounds, if this is the first line that corresponds to a mound
4 Mound location in site: Cardinal directions to indicate which mound is which for sites that have more than one, if this is the first line that corresponds to a mound
5 Location of site (Easting), if this is the first line that corresponds to a site. Coordinates correspond to the main coordinate system used in the GIS dataset.
6 Location of site (Northing), if this is the first line that corresponds to a site. Coordinates correspond to the main coordinate system used in the GIS dataset.
7 Height of mound (m), if this is the first line that corresponds to a mound
8 Length of mound (m), if this is the first line that corresponds to a mound
9 Width of mound (m), if this is the first line that corresponds to a mound
10 Volume of mound (m³), if this is the first line that corresponds to a mound
11 Person-days of labor required for mound construction, if this is the first line that corresponds to a mound
12 Number of statues associated with this mound, if this is the first line that corresponds to a mound
13 Number of stone sarcophagi associated with this mound, if this is the first line that corresponds to a mound
14 Statue number. A sequence number assigned to a statue (Sotomayor and Uribe 1987; ICANH registry), if this line corresponds to a statue
15 Height of statue (m), if this line corresponds to a statue
16 Width of statue (m), if this line corresponds to a statue
17 Depth of statue (m), if this line corresponds to a statue
18 Carved surface area of statue (m²), if this line corresponds to a statue
19 Person-days required to carve the statue, if this line corresponds to a statue
20 Volume of statue (m³), if this line corresponds to a statue
21 Person-days required to move the statue into position, if this line corresponds to a statue
22 Total person-days required for this statue, if this line corresponds to a statue
23 Sarcophagus number: A sequence number assigned to a sarcophagus, if this line corresponds to a sarcophagus
24 Length of sarcophagus (m), if this line corresponds to a sarcophagus
25 Width of sarcophagus (m), if this line corresponds to a sarcophagus
26 Depth of sarcophagus (m), if this line corresponds to a sarcophagus
27 Worked surface area of sarcophagus (m²), if this line corresponds to a sarcophagus
28 Person-days required to carve the sarcophagus, if this line corresponds to a sarcophagus
29 Volume of sarcophagus (m³), if this line corresponds to a sarcophagus
30 Person-days required to move the sarcophagus into position, if this line corresponds to a sarcophagus
31 Total person-days required for this sarcophagus, if this line corresponds to a sarcophagus
32 Total person-days required for this ceremonial site, if this line corresponds to the last (total) line for a site

The first line of the ASCII text file, for example, looks like this:


This indicates that this is the first line corresponding to Site No. 1, Cascajal. It is also the first line for the first mound at Cascajal, which is Mound No. 1. No location within the site is given for this mound because it is the only mound at the site. The site is located at 81.237E,705.170N in the main coordinate system of the GIS data. The mound is 1 m high, 8 m long, and 6 m wide, with a volume of 25.133 m³ requiring 132 person-days of labor to construct. Associated with the mound are 2 statues and 0 sarcophagi. The first of the two statues is Statue No. 155; it is 1.35 m high, 0.76 m wide, and 0.46 m deep. Its carved surface amounts to 2.75 m², requiring 28 person-days of carving, and its volume is 0.472 m³, requiring 88 person-days to move into position. The total person-days of labor required for this statue is 116. Since no sarcophagi are associated with this mound, no data appear in the remainder of the line.

The last (340th) line of the ASCII text file is:

, Total,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,128,,,,,,,,,0,128

This indicates that the line provides the Total labor requirements for the last site in the data file. These are 0 person-days for mound construction, 128 person-days for statue carving and moving, 0 person-days for sarcophagus carving and moving, and a total of 128 person-days for ceremonial construction at this site.

Click here to download the file MONUMENTS.TXT (27 KB) or the file MONUMENTS.XLS (136 KB).

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