Comparative Archaeology Database, University of Pittsburgh

Volcán Barú Dataset
Scott Palumbo

Site Polygons Map 

The site polygons map contains all site polygons identified by Linares et al. These were digitized from Figure 4.0-2 in Linares and Sheets (1980, "Highland Agricultural Villages in the Volcán Barú Region," in Adaptive Radiations in Prehistoric Panama, Olga F. Linares, and Anthony J. Ranere, eds., pp. 44-55 [Peabody Museum Monographs, Harvard University, No. 5]). Additional sites that appear in Figure 3 in Linares et al. (1975, "Prehistoric Agriculture in Tropical Highlands," Science 187:137-145) were added.

The map is georeferenced to topographic maps in the Universal Transverse Mercator Projection (UTM), Zone 17 North, using the NAD27 datum (rather than the more common NAD83 or WGS84). The map is provided as an ASCII AutoCAD (Release 12) .DXF file in which one drawing unit equals one meter (and thus matches the coordinate system in terms of which the project's shovel probes and surface collections are located in the other data files). Each site polygon is a closed polyline on the AutoCAD layer POLYGONS. Site numbers from Linares et al. (1975) appear as text entities on the AutoCAD layer NUMBERS_LINARES with their insertion points inside the polygons. The site whose number appears as "no_ID", does not appear on the map in Linares et al. (1975); it was digitzed from the map in Linares and Ranere (1980), but this map has no site numbers. The site numbers and names used by Palumbo (in the dissertation this dataset complements and in the other data files) appear as text entities on the AutoCAD layer NUMBERS_PALUMBO.

Click here to download the file MAP.DXF (75 KB).

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