Comparative Archaeology Database, University of Pittsburgh
Wankarani Settlement Dataset |
The data file RIMTHK.TXT contains thickness measurements for rim sherds recovered from sites where systematic excavations were conducted. Each line represents one sherd. There are 1,009 lines, each with 5 variables separated by commas. The variables are, in the following order:
1 | Site number |
2 | Northing (within-site coordinate system) |
3 | Easting (within-site coordinate system) |
4 | Excavation unit size in square meters |
5 | Thickness of the rim of the sherd in millimeters |
The first line of the file, for example, looks like this:
This indicates that in site RK-1, at 160N and 100E in the internal site coordinate system, a unit of 10 square meters was excavated. This rim sherd from that unit was 9.1 mm thick.
The last (1009th) line of the file is:
This indicates that in site B-7, at 100N and 100E in the internal site coordinate system, a unit of 10 square meters was excavated. This rim sherd from that unit was 8.6 mm thick.
Click here to download the file RIMTHK.TXT (21.2 KB).