Comparative Archaeology Database, University of Pittsburgh

Wankarani Settlement Dataset
Timothy L. McAndrews

Populations and Catchments

The data file POPDATA.TXT contains the data upon which population estimates and catchment analysis for Wankarani sites are based. Each line represents one site. There are 18 lines, each with 14 variables separated by commas. The variables are, in the following order:

1 Site number
2 Site area (in hectares)
3 Number of structures (estimated at 35 per hectare)
4 Number of structures (estimated at 50 per hectare)
5 Population estimate A
6 Population estimate B
7 Catchment zone radius (in kilometers)
8 Catchment zone area (in hectares)
9 Potential productive capacity (in kilocalories)
10 Potential population
11 On-site population (estimated at 50 persons per hectare)
12 Required productive capacity (in kilocalories)
13 Minimum catchment area (in hectares)
14 Proposed catchment area (in hectares)

The first line of the file, for example, looks like this:


This indicates that site LJ-B has an area of 1.6 hectares. Its estimated number of structures, at 35 per hectare, is 56; and at 50 per hectare, is 80. Its population estimate A is between 336 and 480 inhabitants, and its population estimate B is between 16 and 160 inhabitants. The site has a catchment zone radius of 0.85 kilometers and a catchment zone area of 225 hectares. Its potential productive capacity estimate is 485,613,000 kilocalories, and its potential population is estimated at 728 inhabitants. The on-site population (estimated at 50 people per hectare) is 80. The productive capacity required by the site's inhabitants is 53,333,280 kilocalories; 24.7 hectares is the minumum catchment area; and the proposed catchment area is 74.1 hectares.

The last (14th) line of the file is:


This indicates that site B-7 has an area of 1.46 hectares. Its estimated number of structures, at 35 per hectare, is 51; and at 50 per hectare, is 73. Its population estimate A is between 307 and 438 inhabitants, and its population estimate B is between 15 and 146 inhabitants. The site has a catchment zone radius of 1.38 kilometers and a catchment zone area of 595 hectareas. Its potential productive capacity estimate is 1,284,176,600 kilocalories, and its potential population is estimated at 1926 inhabitants. The on-site population (estimated at 50 people per hectare) is 73. The productive capacity required by the site's inhabitants is 48,666,618 kilocalories; 22.5 hectares is the minumum catchment area; and the proposed catchment area is 67.6 hectares.

Click here to download the file POPDATA.TXT (1.35 KB).

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