Comparative Archaeology Database, University of Pittsburgh

Wankarani Settlement Dataset
Timothy L. McAndrews

Late Intermediate Artifact Density Confidence Levels

The data file LIART.TXT contains the mean sherd and lithic densities at Late Intermediate Period village sites with error ranges at the 80%, 95% and 99% confidence levels. Each line represents a Late Intermediate site. There are 7 lines, each with 9 variables separated by commas. The variables are, in the following order:

1 Site number
2 Mean sherd density (per square meter)
3 Mean lithic density (per square meter)
4 Error range at the 80% confidence level for sherd density
5 Error range at the 80% confidence level for lithic density
6 Error range at the 95% confidence level for sherd density
7 Error range at the 95% confidence level for lithic density
8 Error range at the 99% confidence level for sherd density
9 Error range at the 99% confidence level for lithic density

The first line of the file, for example, looks like this:


This indicates that in site LJ-E, the mean sherd density is 5.43, and the mean lithic density is 4.93. The error ranges at the 80% confidence level are ±1.83 for sherd density and ±0.79 for lithic density; at the 95% confidence level, ±3.56 for sherd density and ±1.53 for lithic density; and at the 99% confidence level, ±6.53 for sherd density and ±2.81 for lithic density.

The last (7th) line of the file is:


This indicates that in site RK-27, the mean sherd density is 31.83, and the mean lithic density is 11. The error ranges at the 80% confidence level are ±16.00 for sherd density and ±3.02 for lithic density; at the 95% confidence level, ±29.00 for sherd density and ±5.47 for lithic density; and at the 99% confidence level, ±48.10 for sherd density and ±9.05 for lithic density.

Click here to download the file LIART.TXT (519 bytes).

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