Comparative Archaeology Database, University of Pittsburgh
Wankarani Settlement Dataset |
The data file COLLIT.TXT contains data on lithic artifacts recovered from sites where systematic surface collections were conducted. Each line represents one lithic artifact type combined with one raw material (for one collection unit). There are 955 lines, each with 9 variables separated by commas. The variables are, in the following order:
1 | Site number |
2 | Northing (within-site coordinate system) |
3 | Easting (within-site coordinate system) |
4 | Collection unit size in square meters |
5 | Raw material |
6 | Lithic artifact type (cf=complete flake, rf=retouched flake, wf=worn/worked flake (worn refers to a sheen that develops through heavy use), wd=worn debitage, wbb=worn broken biface, ubb=unworn/unutilized broken biface (typically broken at hafting point), wwb=worn whole biface, uwb=unworn/unutilized whole biface, point=projectile point/knife, core=core, mano=ground stone mano, nd=nondiscernible debris/debitage (shatter). |
7 | Total number of fragments |
8 | Total weight of fragments (in ounces) |
9 | Total weight of fragments (in grams) |
The first line of the file, for example, looks like this:
This indicates that in site RK-1, at 160N and 100E in the site's internal coordinate system, a unit of 10 square meters was collected. Slate worn/worked flakes, numbering only 1 and weighing 4.5 ounces or 128 grams were recovered.
The last (955th) line of the file is:
This indicates that in site B-7, at 100N and 100E in the site's internal coordinate system, a unit of 10 square meters was collected. Basalt worn/worked flakes, numbering only 1 and weighing 2.7 ounces or 78 grams were recovered.
Click here to download the file COLLIT.TXT (34.7 KB).