Comparative Archaeology Database  |  Center for Comparative Archaeology  |  University of Pittsburgh

Mayapan Community Dataset

Marilyn A. Masson, Timothy S. Hare,
Carlos Peraza Lope, and Bradley W. Russell

The data files below provide volumetric data from the excavation of structures. You can find a summary of this data as a PDF .


[Comma delimited UTF-8 format]
[Excel format]


Each line in the CSV file represents one feature within a level per excavation unit. There are 1869 lines, each with 17 variables separated by commas. The variables are listed in the following order:

1 Structure
2 Cuadro
3 Lot
4 Level
5 Capa
6 Date
7 Depth (cm)
8 Dimensions (m). Summary of square meters and volume for each horizontally excavated structure provided here
9 Area (m2)
10 Volume (m3)
11 Description
12 Stratum

The first line of the CSV file, for example, looks like this:

Q-39,2-C,8000,1,I,1 Julio 09,9,1.5X2,3,0.27,Tierra café oscura except for rocks in SE corner (lote 8009),

This means that these volume measurements are from an excavation unit near structure Q-39 at cuadro 2-C, lot 8000, level 1, capa I, on 1 July 2009. The unit is a depth of 9 cm, with a dimension of 1.5m x 2m, an area of 3m2, and a volume of 0.27m3. The unit is described as a "tierra café oscura except for rocks in SE corner (lote 8009)." No stratum data is provided.