Comparative Archaeology Database  |  Center for Comparative Archaeology  |  University of Pittsburgh

Mayapan Community Dataset

Marilyn A. Masson, Timothy S. Hare,
Carlos Peraza Lope, and Bradley W. Russell

The data files below provide information on utilized flakes with edge damage described by size, material, and collection context from excavations in 2001-2004.


[Comma delimited UTF-8 format]
[Excel format]


Each line in the CSV file represents a single utilized flake. There are 6444 lines, each with 14 variables separated by commas. The variables are listed in the following order:

1 Project
2 Year
3 ID Numbers:
  • Milpa (cleared field survey area)
  • MEMS survey transect
4 ID Numbers:
  • Pozo: 1x2 meter test pits
  • RS: randomly sampled 1x1 meter test pits
  • Cuadro: horizontal excavation 2x2 meter grid square
5 Lot Number (for excavations)
6 Level
7 Nearest Structure
8 Surface Collection Number
9 Length (cm)
10 Width (cm)
11 Thickness (cm)
12 Raw Material, if determinable
13 Color
14 Patination

The first line of the CSV text file, for example, looks like this:

PEMY,2003,16,Pozo 49,1514,1,I-57,,1.2,1,0.2,chalcedony,,patina

This means that the flake is associated with the Economic Foundations of Mayapán Project (PEMY). It was excavated in 2003 from milpa 16, pozo 49, lot 1514, level 1 and was closest to structure I-57. The flake is 1.2 cm long, 1 cm wide, and 0.2 cm thick. The flake is chalcedony, with no described color, and patination described as "patina."