Comparative Archaeology Database  |  Center for Comparative Archaeology  |  University of Pittsburgh

Mayapan Community Dataset

Marilyn A. Masson, Timothy S. Hare,
Carlos Peraza Lope, and Bradley W. Russell

The data files below provide sherd counts by ceramic type and period from horizontal excavations and excavations carried out during field seasons 2001-2009.


[Comma delimited UTF-8 format]
[Excel format]


Each line in the CSV file corresponds to all the ceramic sherds of one type within one context. There are 22,937 lines, each with 18 variables separated by commas. The variables are listed in the following order:

1 Project Name, where:
  • PEMY = Proyecto Economico de Mayapán
  • MEMS = Mayapán Extra-Muralla Survey project
2 Collection Type:
  • EXCAVATION HORIZONTAL = Full horizontal excavation
  • EXCAVATION TEST PIT = Test pit excavation
3 Collection Year
4 Milpa Number
5 Structure Number
6 Unit Number

Note: Horizontal grid squares receive alpha/numeric designations and test pits receive numeric designations or RS-numeric designations. RS refers to a 1 x 1 meter test pit in a random sample location.
7 Stratigraphic layer (cultural or natural layer)
8 Level (Note: Each level represents a 10cm excavation unit)
9 Lot Number
10 Time Period
  • 1 = Tases Postclassic
  • 2 = Hocaba Postclassic
  • 3 = Cehpech/Sotuta Terminal Classic
  • 4 = Cochuah/EC
  • 5 = Motul/Late Classic
  • 6 = Preclassic
  • 7 = Colonial
11 Total sherds
12 Ceramic type
13 Count of rim sherds
14 Count of body sherds
15 Count of other sherd types
16 Description of other sherd types, when present
17 Vessel form
18 Old Solare Number and/or Additional Notes

The first line of the CSV file, for example, looks like this:

MEMS,EXCAVATION TEST PIT,2003,21,10O-1,154,,1,1782,1,14,Mama rojo: Mama,,11,3,"1 cuello, 2 asa",Olla,

This means that these ceramics are associated with the Mayapán Extra-Muralla Survey Project and were retreived from a test pit in 2003. The sherds were recovered from Milpa number 21, structure 10O-1 and are from unit 154, level 1, lot 1782. The assigned time period is Tases Postclassic. In total, there were 14 sherds of the Mama rojo: Mama type. Of the sherds recovered 11 were body sherds and 3 other sherd types. Of the other sherds, 1 was a cuello sherd and 2 were asa sherds. The listed sherds were from an olla form vessel. There are no solare number or notes associated with this collection