Spatial Information
The "raw" locational data for all the individual survey lots in the Machalilla National Park survey is provided as an AutoCAD (Release 12) .DXF file. The layers in this drawing, their colors, and the information contained on each are as follows:
- AREA_OF_STUDY (White): AutoCAD closed polyline representing the limits of the survey zone.
- LOT_NUMBERS (White): AutoCAD text strings giving the lot number designation for each lot. These text strings correspond to the lot numbers in the demographic projections dataset, as well as the ceramic, shell, and lithic inventories. Their insertion points are inside the polylines they correspond to, for AutoCAD or other programs capable of matching text strings to polylines in this way.
- LOTS (Yellow): AutoCAD closed polylines enclosing the areas that represent the extents of each individual collection lot.
- NOT_SURVEYED (Red): AutoCAD closed polyline, enclosing an area of present day Machalilla that was not surveyed.
- RIVERS (Blue): AutoCAD polylines tracing the course of the channels and rivers inside the survey zone.
- SHELL_CONCENTRATIONS (Orange): AutoCAD closed polylines, enclosing the areas of the 39 individual shell concentrations of the survey zone.
Click here to download the file MAP.DXF (931 KB).
The same information is provided in ArcGIS .SHP format in the file MAP.ZIP (156 KB).
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