Comparative Archaeology Database, University of Pittsburgh
Trapiche Itapalluni Colonial Mining Dataset |
The data files OTHER.CSV and OTHER.XSLX provide information on miscellaneous artifacts recovered through excavations carried out at the Trapiche site. OTHER.CSV is a comma delimited UTF-8 CSV file; OTHER.XSLX contains the same data in the form of an Excel spreadsheet. Each line in the CSV file represents one artifact or type of artifact recovered from a particular context. There are 38 lines, each with 26 variables separated by commas. The variables are listed in the following order:
1 | Box N°: Numerical ID of box in which fragment of faunal remains was kept. |
2 | Inventory N°: A unique inventory number given to a bag. Numbered with the year of excavation (2018), followed by a unique number in sequential order. Note: Numbers were not given in any particular order, just in the way they were processed in the laboratory. |
3 | Sector: The site of Trapiche was divided into 3 sectors: A, B, and C. |
4 | Locus.: Each individual context (level, feature, wall, etc.) was given a unique locus number. |
5 | Patio/ Recinto: Each unit was placed within a recinto (building) or a patio. |
6 | U.E.: Excavation Units 4-25, without a 5 or 22. Each unit without a cuad extension is 1x1m. |
7 | Cuad.: If the unit had a 1x1m extension, it was given the designation Cuad 1. Additional extensions were numbered sequentially (2, 3, …). |
8 | Bag N°: The first number of the bag number is the Locus. Then bags were numbered sequentially within each Locus. For example, within Locus 100, bags were numbered as such: Locus 100-1 for lithics, Locus 100-2 for botanicals, Locus 100-3 for fauna, Locus 100-4 for soil sample, etc.). |
9 | Bag _ of _: This indicates if there were multiple bags for the same sample. |
10 | Screen size: Indicates size of screen used to recover artifact. |
11 | Total Bag Count: Number of artifacts of a particular type in bag. |
12 | Total Bag Weight (g): Total weight of all material of a particular type within a bag. |
13 | Excavators' Initials: Initials of excavator |
14 | Date excavated (DD,MM,YY) |
15 | Curators' Inicials: Initials of the laboratory assistant who curated sample. |
16 | Date Curated: Date of laboratory curation. (DD,MM,YY) |
17 | Analysts' Initials |
18 | Date analyzed (DD,MM,YY) |
19 | Material: Type of material represented by artifact. |
20 | Portion: Fragment, small fragment etc. |
21 | Color: Description of artifact color. |
22 | Description: General description of artifact. |
23 | Measurements: Measurements of width/thickness in mm. |
24 | Indiv. Count: If the materials were the same, they were analyzed and entered in the same data line and counted and weighed together. If the materials from the same bag were different, they were entered into separate lines and counted and weighed separately. |
25 | Indiv. Weight (g): If the materials were the same, they were analyzed and entered in the same data line and counted and weighed together. If the materials from the same bag were different, they were entered into separate lines and counted and weighed separately. |
26 | Comments/Observations: General comments/observations |
The first line of the CSV file, for example, looks like this:
13,2018-045,B,003,Recinto 24,19,-,003-2,1 de 1,1/4 in,1,0.04,JMS/JVG,15/8/2018,RP,3/8/18,SAK,15/11/2018,Lithic,small fragment,red,unknown red rock,,1,0.04,ecofact
This means that the artifact comes from box 13, inventory 2018-045, sector B, locus 003, recinto 24, U.E 19, bag number 003-2, bag 1 of 1, 1/4 inch screen size, and a total bag count of 1, weighing 0.04 grams. It was excavated by JMS and JVG on 15/8/2018, curated by RP on 3/8/18, and analysed by SAK on 15/11/2018. It is a lithic, small fragment, has a red color, described as an "unknown red rock," an individual count of 1, an individual weight of 0.04 grams, with the observation that it is an ecofact.
Download the file OTHER.CSV (7.04 KB) or the file OTHER.XLSX (21.2 KB).