Comparative Archaeology Database, University of Pittsburgh

Trapiche Itapalluni Colonial Mining Dataset
Sarah A. Kennedy

Paleobotanical Inventory

The data files BOTANICAL.CSV and BOTANICAL.XSLX provide information on paleobotanical remains recovered through excavations carried out at the Trapiche site. BOTANICAL.CSV is a comma delimited UTF-8 CSV file; BOTANICAL.XSLX contains the same data in the form of an Excel spreadsheet. Each line in the CSV file represents one element of a single taxa within a given context. There are 225 lines, each with 31 variables separated by commas. The variables are listed in the following order:

1 Muestra #: All botanical samples from light fraction and excavation were given a separate sample/muestra number when they were originally sent to the Universidad de Cayetano.
2 Sector: The site of Trapiche was divided into 3 sectors: A, B, and C.
3 Recinto/Patio: Each unit was placed within a recinto (building) or a patio.
4 Unidad: Excavation Units 4-25, without a 5 or 22. Each unit without a cuad extension is 1x1m.
5 Cuad: If the unit had a 1x1m extension, it was given the designation Cuad 1. Additional extensions were numbered sequentially (2, 3, …).
6 Locus: Each individual context (level, feature, wall, etc.) was given a unique locus number.
7 Bolsa N°: The first number of the bag number is the Locus. Then bags were numbered sequentially within each Locus. For example, within Locus 100, bags were numbered as such: Locus 100-1 for lithics, Locus 100-2 for botanicals, Locus 100-3 for fauna, Locus 100-4 for soil sample, etc.).
8 Inventario #: Only hand-extracted botanicals from excavation where given inventory numbers during laboratory analysis. These were a separate set of numbers for laboratory curation. Light fraction taken from soil samples was not give this number.
9 Bolsa _ de _: This indicates if there were multiple bags for the same sample. This generally occurred when taking 10L soil samples in the field, as bags usually only held 5L. If the sample was divided into 2 bags, they will have the same Bolsa # and Locus, but different Muestra #s, as well as “Bag 1 of 2” and “Bag 2 od 2” designations.
10 Tipo de fraccion: Light fraction (ligera) or screen (zaranda), using a 1/4 inch screen from excavation.
11 Tipo de muestra: Either systematically collected (blanket sampling with flotation), or judgmental hand collection from screen and excavation in the field.
12 Volumen (L): Volume of total soil sample. Excavated samples do not have a volume. Most soil samples were divided into 2 bags, so each sample averages 5L (10L total for each Locus).
13 Peso (g): Weight. This is the weight of the extracted light fraction, or the extracted botanical remains from the field. This is the total weight of all the remains/sample. The weight of the plastic bag has been subtracted from this number.
14 Contexto: Either from living floor, collapse, midden, etc.
15 Profundidad (b.d.): How many cm below datum was the Locus.
16 Inciales de Rec.: Initials of the excavator or processor of the initial sample.
17 Fecha de Rec.: Date of collection/excavation.
18 Observaciones: Observations during time of collection, related to the type of context excavated.
19 Iniciales de Proc.: Initials of the laboratory assistant who curated sample.
20 Fecha de Proc.: Date of laboratory curation.
21 Fracción: Size of screen used to extract botanical remains from sample.
22 Categoría: General category of remains (plant or animal).
23 Estructura: Type/structure of remains (seed, excrement, stem)
24 Familia: Evolutionary family to which remains belong
25 Determinación: Determination of Genus/species to which remains belong
26 Peso (g): Weight of specific paleobotanical remains of interest found within sample
27 Cantidad: Quantity, number of a specific type of paleobotanical remains found within sample
28 Observaciones: General observations
29 Notas: Additional notes
30 Fecha: Date of paleobotanical analysis
31 Registrador: Initials of recorder

The first line of the CSV file, for example, looks like this:

101,B,Recinto 24,19,-,13,013-2,-,1 de 1,Ligera,Sistemático,< 1L,1.91,basural,61 cm,JVG,27/7/2018,"semillas, quinoa, nuez- dry screen? starch, pollen, soil chemistry, phytolith",SAK,2/11/2018,0.5 mm,Vegetal,Semilla,Chenopodiacea,cf. Chenopodiaceae,-,4,,,7/29/2019,ERV

This means that the paleobotanical remains belong to sample #101, were excavated in sector B, at building 24 in unit 19, locus 013. The bag number was 013-2. This was bag 1 of 1 for this sample. This was from a light fraction which was collected systematically. The volume of this sample was less than 1L, its weight was 1.91 g, it was collected 61 cm below the datum, and it was collected from a midden. This sample was collected on July 27, 2018 by JVG who noted "semillas, quinoa, nuez- dry screen starch, pollen, soil chemistry, phytolith". The sample was curated by SAK on November 2, 2018. A .5 mm screen was used to extract paleobotanical remains from the sample, and these remains represented the seeds of a Chenopod plant (cf. Chenopodiaceae). There were 4 such Chenopod seeds, and they were recorded on July 29, 2019 by ERV.

Download the file BOTANICAL.CSV (50 KB) or the file BOTANICAL.XLSX (156 KB).

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