Comparative Archaeology Database, University of Pittsburgh

Nepeña Valley Dataset
Hugo Cesar Ikehara Tsukayama

Ceramic Production Proxies

The data files PRODUCTION.TXT and PRODUCTION.XLS provide sherd counts for ceramic artifacts that serve as production proxies. The definition of potttery production proxies is described in section 3.3.2 of the dissertation associated with this dataset; ware descriptions can be found in Appendix B of the same document. PRODUCTION.TXT is a comma delimited ASCII text file, while PRODUCTION.XLS contains the same data in the form of an Excel spreadsheet. Each line in the ASCII file corresponds to a survey unit. There are 2965 lines, each with 32 variables separated by commas. The variables are listed in the following order:

1 Survey unit number. The designated ID for each survey unit. Numbers 206, 240, 241, 336, 488, 527, 863, 1038, 1333, 1336, 1372, 1778, and 2117 were elimitated from the dataset because after analysis the number of sherds collected were lower than the minimum required (see pages 53-54 of the dissertation associated with this dataset).
2 Count of proxies for pottery production classified as Ware I-A.
3 Count of proxies for pottery production classified as Ware I-B.
4 Count of proxies for pottery production classified as Ware I-C.
5 Count of proxies for pottery production classified as Ware II-A.
6 Count of proxies for pottery production classified as Ware II-B.
7 Count of proxies for pottery production classified as Ware II-C, variant L3.
8 Count of proxies for pottery production classified as Ware II-C, variant A2.
9 Count of proxies for pottery production classified as Ware III-A.
10 Count of proxies for pottery production classified as Ware III-E.
11 Count of proxies for pottery production classified as Ware III-F.
12 Count of proxies for pottery production classified as Ware IV-A.
13 Count of proxies for pottery production classified as Ware IV-B.
14 Count of proxies for pottery production classified as Ware IV-D, variant D/1.
15 Count of proxies for pottery production classified as Ware IV-D, variant D/2.
16 Count of proxies for pottery production classified as Ware IV-E.
17 Count of proxies for pottery production classified as Ware V-A.
18 Count of proxies for pottery production classified as Ware V-B.
19 Count of proxies for pottery production classified as Ware V-C.
20 Count of proxies for pottery production classified as Ware V-E.
21 Count of proxies for pottery production classified as Ware V-H.
22 Total number of proxies for pottery production in the collection of the survey unit. Sum of variables 2-21.
23 Count of proxies for pottery production from wares used during Period I (800-450 B.C.). Sum of variables 2-4. For classification methods see section 3.2 of the dissertation associated with this dataset.
24 Count of proxies for pottery production from wares used during Periods I and II. Equal to variable 5. For classification methods see section 3.2 of the dissertation associated with this dataset.
25 Count of proxies for pottery production from wares used during Period II (450-150 B.C.). Sum of variables 6-8. For classification methods see section 3.2 of the dissertation associated with this dataset.
26 Count of proxies for pottery production from wares used during Periods II and III. Equal to variable 9. For classification methods see section 3.2 of the dissertation associated with this dataset.
27 Count of proxies for pottery production from wares used during Period III (150 B.C. - A.D. 500). Sum of variables 10-11. For classification methods see section 3.2 of the dissertation associated with this dataset.
28 Count of proxies for pottery production from wares used during Period IV (A.D. 500 - 1000). Sum of variables 12-16. For classification methods see section 3.2 of the dissertation associated with this dataset.
29 Count of proxies for pottery production from wares used during Period V (A.D. 1000-1500+). Sum of variables 17-21 For classification methods see section 3.2 of the dissertation associated with this dataset.
30 Period I final count of pottery production proxies. Because some wares could be attributed to either Period I or II a final Period I sherd count was estimated by proportionally assigning counts from variable 24 to either Period I or II according to the ratio between variables 38 and 40 of the ceramic inventory table. For a description of this process, see page 82 of the dissertation associated with this dataset.
31 Period II final count of pottery production proxies. Because some wares could be attributed to multiple periods, a final Period II sherd count was estimated by proportionally assigning counts from variable 24 to either Period I or II according to the ratio between variables 38 and 40 of the ceramic inventory table. Likewise, sherds counts from variable 26 were proportionally assigned to Period II or III according to the ratio between variables 40 and 42 of the ceramic inventory table. For a description of this process, see page 82 of the dissertation associated with this dataset.
32 Period III final count of pottery production proxies. Because some wares could be attributed to either Period II or III a final Period III sherd count was estimated by proportionally assigning counts from variable 26 to either Period II or III according to the ratio between variables 40 and 42 of the ceramic inventory table. For a description of this process, see page 82 of the dissertation associated with this dataset.

The first line of the ASCII text file, for example, looks like this:


This means that survey unit 1 did not collect any production proxy sherds from any ware type. Hence, there are 0 sherds for Period I, 0 for Periods I/II, 0 for Period II, 0 for Periods II/III, 0 for Period III, 0 for Period IV, and 0 for Period V. Because some wares could be attributed to multiple periods, final sherd counts were calculated for those periods in which there was ambiguity. For those periods the final sherd counts are: 0 for Period I, 0 for Period II, and 0 for Period III.

The last, or 2965 line of the ASCII text file is:


This means that survey unit 2965 did not collect any production proxy sherds from any ware type. Hence, there are 0 sherds for Period I, 0 for Periods I/II, 0 for Period II, 0 for Periods II/III, 0 for Period III, 0 for Period IV, and 0 for Period V. Because some wares could be attributed to multiple periods, final sherd counts were calculated for those periods in which there was ambiguity. For those periods the final sherd counts are: 0 for Period I, 0 for Period II, and 0 for Period III.

Download the file PRODUCTION.TXT (139 KB) or the file PRODUCTION.XLS (351 KB).

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