Comparative Archaeology Database, University of Pittsburgh

Asiento Viejo Dataset
Mikael John Haller

Río Parita Collection Lots

The data files LOTS.TXT and LOTS.XLS contain information about each of the collection lots from the Río Parita regional survey. LOTS.TXT is an ASCII text file; LOTS.XLS contains the same data in the form of an Excel spreadsheet. Each line represents one collection lot. There are 1267 lines in the text file, each with 25 variables separated by commas. The variables are, in the following order:

1 Collection Lot Number
2 Site Number
3 Land/Vegetation Type: Forest (True/False)
4 Land/Vegetation Type: Brush (True/False)
5 Land/Vegetation Type: Grass (True/False)
6 Land/Vegetation Type: Flooded lands (True/False)
7 Land/Vegetation Type: Mangrove swamp (True/False)
8 Land/Vegetation Type: Cultivation (Kind of crop if any)
9 Land/Vegetation Type: Other (Other land class if any)
10 Surface Visibility: Good (True/False)
11 Surface Visibility: Medium (True/False)
12 Surface Visibility: Poor (True/False)
13 Material collected: Ceramic sherds (True/False)
14 Material collected: Lithic artifacts (True/False)
15 Material collected: Ground stone artifacts (True/False)
16 Material collected: Shell artifacts (True/False)
17 Material collected: Number of Bags
18 Type of collection: General (True/False)
19 Type of collection: Systematic (True/False)
20 Type of collection: Systematic (Number of circles collected)
21 Type of collection: Shovel test (True/False)
22 Type of collection: Comparative (True/False)
23 Date the Collection Was Made
24 Time of Day the Collection Was Made
25 Area Covered by the Collection Lot (ha)

The first line of the ASCII text file, for example, looks like this:


This indicates that the data pertain to the collection lot number A0001 and the site number is 1. In this lot the type of vegetation was not forest or brush. The vegetation type was grass. In the lot there were not flooded lands or mangrove swamps. There was no record of any kind of crop or other class of land. The surface visibility was not good, it was medium, but not poor. Ceramic sherds were collected, but no lithics, ground stone or shell artifacts. All artifacts were collected in one bag. The type of collection was not general but systematic, in which one collection circle was made. There were not shovel tests nor artifacts collected by any other method. The collection was made on March 21, 2002, at 7:45 a.m. The area covered by the collection lot was 0.80 ha.

The last, or 1267th, line of the ASCII text file is:


This indicates that the number of the collection lot is B0663 and the site number is 373. The type of vegetation seen in this lot was not forest or brush. The vegetation type was grass. In the lot there were not flooded lands or mangrove swamps. There was no record of any kind of crop or other class of land. The visibility of the surface was good, it was not medium or poor. From this lot were collected ceramic sherds, lithics, ground stone and shell artifacts. There was one bag for the material collected. The type of collection was general, not systematic; therefore, there were no circles for systematic collection. There were no shovel tests or collections made with any other method. The date the collection was made was June 10, 2002, at 11:45 a.m. The area covered by the collection lot was 0.57 ha.

Click here to download the file LOTS.TXT (159 KB) or the file LOTS.XLS (478 KB).

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