Comparative Archaeology Database, University of Pittsburgh

Upper Daling Region Hongshan Household and Community Dataset
Christian E. Peterson, Lu Xueming, Robert D. Drennan, and Zhu Da

Lithics Variables Used in Multivariate Analysis

The data files LITHVARS.TXT and LITHVARS.XLS contain the data on Hongshan lithics aggregated by household unit. LITHVARS.TXT is a comma-delimited ASCII text file, which should be easy to import into spreadsheet, database, and statistical programs for manipulation and analysis. LITHVARS.XLS contains the same data in the form of an Excel spreadsheet which is easier to browse, and can also be imported into many programs. The 50 household units from Dongshanzui, Sanjia, and Erbuchi are all included, as are the 19 household units from Fushanzhuang, which were eventually included among the published multivariate analyses. As described in the Introduction the exploratory analyses were performed only on the Upper Daling household units (Dongshanzui, Sanjia, and Erbuchi). Once the final form of the analysis had been arrived at, this final analysis was also performed on the Fushanzhuang households for comparison. For this reason, data for all the variables in the exploration are included for the Upper Daling household units. Data for Fushanzhuang are present only for the variables used in the final analyses; 999 is used as a missing data code for the variables omitted for Fushanzhuang households. The percentages and ratios in LITHVARS.TXT and LITHVARS.XLS are derived from the lithics data counts presented elsewhere in this dataset for the Upper Daling household units and in the Fushanzhuang Community Dataset for the Fushanzhuang household units. Each line in LITHVARS.TXT and LITHVARS.XLS represents one household unit. There are 69 lines, each containing 20 variables in the following order:

1 Household Unit. The number of the household unit the line represents. 001-023 are from Sanjia; 101-117 are from Dongshanzui; 201-210 are from Erbuchi; numbers beginning with F are from Fushanzhuang.
2 Lithics:Sherds Ratio. Number of lithic artifacts (tools and debitage) / total Hongshan sherds.
3 % Lithic Tools. Number of flaked and ground stone tools / total lithic artifacts.
4 % Good Raw Materials. Number of flaked and ground stone tools of high quality raw materials / total flaked and ground stone tools. (Used in final analyses.)
5 % Flaked Stone Tools. Number of flaked stone tools / total flaked and ground stone tools.
6 % Ground Stone Tools. Number of ground stone tools / total flaked and ground stone tools. (Used in final analyses.)
7 % Pecked Stone Tools. Number of pecked stone tools / total flaked and ground stone tools.
8 % Abraders. Number of grooved abraders (for making ground stone tools) / total flaked and ground stone tools. (Used in final analyses.)
9 % Awls and Drills. Number of flaked stone awls and drills / total flaked and ground stone tools. (Used in final analyses.)
10 % Axes and Adzes. Number of ground stone axes and adzes / total flaked and ground stone tools. (Used in final analyses.)
11 % Unretouched Blades. Number of unretouched blades / total flaked and ground stone tools.
12 % Retouched Blades. Number of retouched blades / total flaked and ground stone tools. (Used in final analyses.)
13 % Retouched Flakes. Number of retouched flakes / total flaked and ground stone tools. (Used in final analyses.)
14 % Unifacial Scrapers. Number of flaked unifacial scrapers / total flaked and ground stone tools. (Used in final analyses.)
15 % Bifacial Scrapers. Number of flaked bifacial scrapers / total flaked and ground stone tools.
16 % Chopping Tools. Number of large flaked chopping tools / total flaked and ground stone tools. (Used in final analyses.)
17 % Blade Cores. Number of blade cores / total flaked and ground stone tools. (Used in final analyses.)
18 % Unidirectional Flake Cores. Number of unidirectional flake cores / total flaked and ground stone tools. (Used in final analyses.)
19 % Multidirectional Flake Cores. Number of multidirectional flake cores / total flaked and ground stone tools. (Used in final analyses.)
20 % Projectile Points. Number of flaked projectile points / total flaked and ground stone tools. (Used in final analyses.)
21 % Tool Blanks and Preforms. Number of unfinished tools (blanks or preforms) / total flaked and ground stone tools. (Used in final analyses.)
22 % Very Acute Edge Angles. Number of flaked scrapers, retouched blades, and flakes with very acute edge angles (<25°) / total flaked and ground stone tools.
23 % Acute Edge Angles. Number of flaked scrapers, retouched blades, and flakes with acute edge angles (25–44°) / total flaked and ground stone tools. (Used in final analyses.)
24 % Obtuse Edge Angles. Number of flaked scrapers, retouched blades, and flakes with obtuse edge angles (45–65°) / total flaked and ground stone tools. (Used in final analyses.)
25 % Very Obtuse Edge Angles. Number of flaked scrapers, retouched blades, and flakes with very obtuse edge angles (>65°) / total flaked and ground stone tools.
26 % Debitage. Number of pieces of debitage (complete and broken flakes, flake fragments, and shatter) / total lithic artifacts. (Used in final analyses.)
27 % Debitage of Good Raw Materials. Number of pieces of debitage of high-quality raw materials / total debitage.
28 % Tool Manufacturing. Number of complete and broken flakes of "tool" manufacturing type / total debitage.
29 % Complete Unretouched Flakes. Number of complete unretouched flakes / total debitage. (Used in final analyses.)
30 % Broken Unretouched Flakes. Number of broken unretouched flakes / total debitage. (Used in final analyses.)
31 % Flake Fragments. Number of flake fragments / total debitage.
32 % Shatter. Number of pieces of lithic shatter (i.e. debris) / total debitage. (Used in final analyses.)
33 % Cortex. Number of pieces of debitage with cortex / total debitage.
34 Average Debitage Weight. Total weight of debitage in grams / total count of debitage. (Used in final analyses.)

The first line of the ASCII text file LITHVARS.TXT, for example, looks like this:


This means that the line contains data from Household Unit 001 (at Sanjia). The ratio of lithics to sherds is 0.020. Flaked and ground stone tools represent 3.6% of the total lithics. Of the total flaked and ground stone tools, 100.0% were of good material, 100.0% were flaked, 0.0% were ground, and 0.0% were pecked. Of the total flaked and ground stone tools, 0.0% were abraders, 0.0% were awls or drills, 0.0% were axes or adzes, 0.0% were unretouched blades, 0.0% were retouched blades, 0.0% were retouched flakes, 0.0% were unifacial scrapers, 0.0% were bifacial scrapers, 0.0% were chopping tools, 100.0% were blade cores, 0.0% were unidirectional flake cores, 0.0% were multidirectional flake cores, 0.0% were projectile points, and 0.0% were blanks. Of the total flaked and ground stone tools, 0.0% had very acute edge angles, 0.0% had acute edge angles, 0.0% had obtuse edge angles, and 0.0% had very obtuse edge angles. Of the total lithic artifacts 96.4% was debitage. Of the total debitage, 33.3% was made of good material, 59.3% was of "tool" manufacturing type, 55.6% was complete flakes, 14.8% was broken flakes, 11.1% was flake fragments, 18.5% was shatter, and 59.3% had cortex. The average weight of debitage fragments was 2.8 g.

The last, or 69th line of the ASCII text file LITHVARS.TXT is:


This means that the line contains data from Household Unit F16A-B (at Fushanzhuang). The ratio of lithics to sherds is 0.199. Flaked and ground stone tools represent 75.3% of the total lithics. The proportion of good material is missing because this variable was not recorded for Fushanzhuang. Of the total flaked and ground stone tools, the proportion that were flaked was not calculated because this variable was not used in the final analyses, 3.6% were ground, and the proportion that were pecked was not calculated. Of the total flaked and ground stone tools, 0.0% were abraders, 0.0% were awls or drills, 0.0% were axes or adzes, 0.0% were unretouched blades, 0.0% were retouched blades, 0.0% were retouched flakes, 1.8% were unifacial scrapers, the proportion that were bifacial scrapers was not calculated, 0.0% were chopping tools, 0.0% were blade cores, the proportion that were unidirectional flake cores was not calculated, 1.8% were multidirectional flake cores, 0.0% were projectile points, and 0.0% were blanks. The proportions for edge angles are missing because this information was not recorded for Fushanzhuang. The proportions of debitage, debitage of good material, and debitage of "tool" manufacturing type were not calculated. Of the debitage, 45.3% was complete flakes, 18.9% was broken flakes, 24.5% was flake fragments, and 11.3% was shatter. The proportion with cortex was not calculated. The average weight of debitage fragments was 3.1 g.

Download the file LITHVARS.TXT (27 KB) or the file LITHVARS.XLS (43 KB).

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