Comparative Archaeology Database, University of Pittsburgh

Upper Daling Region Hongshan Household and Community Dataset
Christian E. Peterson, Lu Xueming, Robert D. Drennan, and Zhu Da

Data on 5-m Intensive Surface Collection Squares

The data files 5MSQ.TXT and 5MSQ.XLS contain information about the 5-m squares where intensive surface collection was carried out. 5MSQ.TXT is a comma-delimited ASCII text file, which should be easy to import into spreadsheet, database, and statistical programs for manipulation and analysis. 5MSQ.XLS contains the same data in the form of an Excel spreadsheet which is easier to browse, and can also be imported into many programs. Each line represents one 5-m square. There are 406 lines, each with 11 variables separated by commas. The variables are, in the following order:

1 Square number.
2 X-coordinate (UTM Easting) of the center of the square (m).
3 Y-Coordinate (UTM Northing) of the center of the square (m).
4 Residential zone in which the square was located (DSZ = Dongshanzui, EBC = Erbuchi, SJ = Sanjia).
5 Name of the sector in which the square was located.
6 Number of the Household Unit to which the square was assigned.
7 1 if the lithics from the square were omitted from the data aggregated by Household Unit because Hongshan sherds were less than 50% of the sherds recovered. Otherwise 0.
8 Approximate volume of soil screened in the second phase of intensive collection (m3).
9 Surface cover in the square.
10 1 if only the first phase of intensive collection was carried out in the square. Otherwise 0.
11 1 if the square was reduced to 4 by 5 m. Otherwise 0.

The first line of the ASCII text file, for example, looks like this:

0001,733626.05,4555006.14,SJ,A141 North,015,0,0.750,Trees (orchard),0,0

This means that the data are for Square 0001, whose center is at 733626.05E and 4555006.14N, in the Sanjia residential zone, in Sector A141 North, assigned to Household Unit 015, lithics were not omitted, 0.750 m3 of soil were screened, the square contained trees in an orchard, both phases of intensive collection were carried out, and the square was not reduced to 4 by 5 m.

The last, or 406th line of the ASCII text file is:

2077,737265.36,4560349.96,EBC,B285 Central,202,0,0.000,Grass/scrub,1,0

This means that the data are for Square 2077, whose center is at 737265.36 E and 4560349.96N, in the Erbuchi residential zone, in Sector B285 Central, assigned to Household Unit 202, lithics were not omitted, 0.000 m3 of soil were screened, the surface was covered with grass and scrub, only the first phase of intensive collection was carried out (not raking and screening), and the square was not reduced to 4 by 5 m.

Download the file 5MSQ.TXT (58 KB) or the file 5MSQ.XLS (69 KB).

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