Comparative Archaeology Database, University of Pittsburgh

Isla Mocha Dataset
Roberto J. Campbell

Lithics from Test Pits

The data files LITHICS.TXT and LITHICS.XLS contain data in 394 lithics excavated from Test Pits in the site of Isla Mocha. LITHICS.TXT is an ASCII text file; LITHICS.XLS contains the same data in the form of an Excel spreadsheet. Each line represents one lithic artifact. There are 394 lines in the text file, each with 10 variables separated by commas. The variables are, in the following order:




Unit. A 50 x 50 cm test pit; units were spaced 100 m apart


Level. Test pits were excavated in arbitrary levels of 10 cm.


Artifact category. Includes tools (instrumentos), debitage (desechos), modified (modificado) and cores (núcleos).


Matriz base.


Artifact modification technique. Manufacturing or modification technique used to create the artifact. Includes knapped (tallado), pecked (piqueteado), and polished (pulimentada-desgastada).


Technological category for modified pieces.


Technological category for debitage pieces.


Retouching. Location was noted if retouching was present.


Raw Material.
arenisca = sandstone
cuarzo = quartz
esquisto = schist
granito = granite
ígnea OG (otros granos) = other grain igneous
ígnea GF (grano fino) = fine grain igneous
obsidiana = obsidian
otras rocas GF (grano fino) = other fine grain rocks
otras rocas GG (grano grueso) = other coarse grain rocks
silice = silex

The first line of the ASCII text file, for example, looks like this:

P31-1,PS 31-02-01,0-10,Desecho de talla,,lítica tallada,,derivado desbaste núcleo,,ígnea OG

This indicates that the lithic artifact was excavated from site P31-1, unit number PS 31-02-01, level between 0 to 10 cm from the surface. It was categorized as debitage. While using a knapping modification technique, this debitage piece is a derivative of a smoothed core. The raw material is an other grain igneous.

The last, or 394th, line of the ASCII text file is:

P31-1,PS 31-02-07,90-100 cm,Desecho de talla,,lítica tallada,,derivado desbaste núcleo,,ígnea OG

This indicates that the lithic artifact was excavated from site P31-1, unit number PS 31-02-07, level between 90 to 100 cm from the surface. It was categorized as debitage. While using a knapping modification technique, this debitage piece is a derivative of a smoothed core. The raw material is an other grain igneous.

Download the file LITHICS.TXT (39 KB) or the file LITHICS.XLS (85 KB).

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