Comparative Archaeology Database, University of Pittsburgh

Isla Mocha Dataset
Roberto J. Campbell

This dataset complements the dissertation Socioeconomic Differentiation, Leadership, and Residential Patterning at an Araucanian Chiefly Center (Isla Mocha, AD 1000-1700) by Roberto J. Campbell (which can be freely downloaded from the University of Pittsburgh's Electronic Theses and Dissertations Database). It provides detailed data on survey and excavation materials gathered at Isla Mocha, Southern Chile. The data are discussed in full in the dissertation, whose contents are as follows:

Funding to collect the data presented here was provided by a National Science Foundation Dissertation Improvement Grant (BCS-0956229).

Questions or comments about this dataset or the Comparative Archaeology Database can be directed to via email.

Campbell, Roberto J. (2011) Socioeconomic Differentiation, Leadership, and Residential Patterning at an Araucanian Chiefly Center (Isla Mocha, AD 1000-1700). Ph.D. Dissertation, Department of Anthropology, University of Pittsburgh.
Campbell, Roberto J. (2018) Isla Mocha Dataset. Comparative Archaeology Database, University of Pittsburgh. URL: <>

Designed by Adriana Maguiña-Ugarte.

Numeric Data

Numeric data for artifacts gathered through test pit excavations are provided in two file formats. Comma-delimited text files should be easy to import into spreadsheet, database, and statistical programs for manipulation and analysis. Excel spreadsheets are easier to browse, and can also be imported into many programs. The numeric data files are as follows:

Ceramics: A detailed analysis of each sherd excavated (no complete vessels found). Analysis looked at: sherd type, surfaces treatment, surfaces color, wall thickness, decoration, manufacturing marks, firing environment, wear marks, post depositional marks, temper types, and presence of mica. Lithics: This analysis used a morpho-functional approach. Up to nine raw material groups, and three main functional groups were identified. Debitage was further classified into four technological categories.
Faunal: Analysis includes only the vertebrate fauna (birds, cartilaginous and bony fishes, and mammals), and it includes taxonomic position, taphonomic information, and cultural modifications. Botanical: Analysis was processed with an assisted flotation machine. Material was classified as to preservation (charred/uncharred) and integrity (complete/fragmented), as well as its condition.

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