Comparative Archaeology Database  |  Center for Comparative Archaeology  |  University of Pittsburgh

Lower Dover Late Classic Pottery Production Dataset

Yijia Qiu

The data files below provide the results of mineralogical analyses of sherd samples from 9 households in the Lower Dover polity in Belize.


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[Excel format]


Each line in the .CSV file represents one ceramic specimen. There are 1288 lines, each with 16 variables separated by commas. The variables are listed in the following order:

1 District - the name of the district the sherd was collected from.
  • TUN: Tutu Uitz Na
  • TEX: Texas
  • FPK: Floral Park
2 Settlement Group - the name of the settlement group the sherd was collected from.
During the sample collection process and comparison among settlement groups, FPK Group 2 Str. A and FPK Group 2 Str. D are regarded as one settlement group; BR168 and BR180 are regarded as one settlement group as well.
3 Specimen Number - assigned during data collection.
4 Type
  • br: Belize Red
  • cu: Cayo Unslipped
  • dr: Dolphin Head Red
5 Production Unit - final production unit grouping assigned to each specimen after hierarchical analysis.
6 Diagnostic Certainty - confidence in the type assigned to each ceramic specimen.
  • 1: Certain
  • 2: Fairly certain
  • 3: Less certain
7 Zr - trace amounts of Zirconium in the sherd (parts per million).
8 Sr - trace amounts of Strontium in the sherd (parts per million).
9 Rb - trace amounts of Rubidium in the sherd (parts per million).
10 Zn - trace amounts of Zinc in the sherd (parts per million).
11 Fe - trace amounts of Iron in the sherd (parts per million).
12 Mn - trace amounts of Manganese in the sherd (parts per million).
13 Ti - trace amounts of Titanium in the sherd (parts per million).
14 Ca - trace amounts of Calcium in the sherd (parts per million).
15 K - trace amounts of Potassium in the sherd (parts per million).
16 Ba - trace amounts of Barium in the sherd (parts per million).

The first line of the .CSV file, for example, looks like this:


This means that the ceramic sherd was collected from the Tutu Uitz Na district and the SG1 settlement group. Its specimen number is 601 its type is Belize Red with a diagnostic certainty of 1. It contains 186.435 ppm Zirconium, 99.9 ppm Strontium, 91.1975 ppm Rubidium, 49.11 ppm Zinc, 18003.8825 ppm Iron, 311.82 ppm Manganese, 3302.2175 ppm Titanium, 52258.265 ppm Calcium, 12474.87 ppm Potassium, and 648.0975 ppm Barium.