Comparative Archaeology Database, University of Pittsburgh

Belize River Valley Regional Dataset
John P. Walden, Claire E. Ebert, Julie A. Hoggarth,
Shane M. Montgomery, and Jaime J. Awe

Site Variables used for Multivariate Analyses

The data files SITEDATA.TXT and SITEDATA.XLS provide all site variables used for multivariate analyses in the publication associated with this dataset. SITEDATA.TXT is a comma delimited ASCII text file; SITEDATA.XLS contains the same data in the form of an Excel spreadsheet. Each line in the ASCII file represents one site. There are 36 lines, each with 30 variables separated by commas. The missing data code is -1. The variables are listed in the following order:

1 Site. The name of the site unit from which variables where collected.
2 Group. Group classification from hierarchical cluster analysis; there are five groups roughly akin to settlement tier but with some variability.
3 Active. Ranked ordinal variable describing time period of construction phase. Preclassic-Early Classic = 1; Late Classic = 2; Middle Preclassic-Late Classic = 3; Data unavailable = -1
4 Count of Structures
5 Count of Pyramidal Structures
6 Height of Tallest Structure (m)
7 Site Area (m2)
8 Architectural Volume (m3)
9 Site Volume per Area. Volume divided by area
10 Count of Eastern Triadic Shrines
11 Presence of Corbelled Vault. Presence = 1; Absence = 0
12 Count of Sacbeob (causeways)
13 Count of Altars
14 Count of Stelae
15 Count of Aguadas (quarries)
16 Presence of Palace. Presence = 1; Absence = 0
17 Count of Ballcourts
18 Distance to River (m)
19 Terminus Group. Terminus Groups are groups at the end of a causeway (sacbe). Site is a terminus group = 1; Site is not a terminus group = 0.
20 Number of Terminus groups attached to a site
21 Accessibility. Ordinal-ranked variable based on the number of structures and space between the structures (m). Three hierarchically arranged categories.
22 Distance to Major Center (m)
23 Surrounding Population Density. Count of house mounds within a 500 m radius of site.
24 Elevation (m above sea level)
25 Topographic Zone. Lowland = 1, Foothills = 2, Hilltop = 3
26 Soil Zone. Constantly Lime Enriched = 1, Intermittently Lime Enriched = 2, Acidic = 3, Recent = 4, from Birchall and Jenkin (1979) (Fully cited in the article associated with this dataset).
27 Count of Groups
28 Count of Plazas
29 Plaza Size (m2)
30 Postclassic Occupation. This period was treated differently to other time periods due to a desire to understand reoccupation at various levels of the political hierarchy. Presence of Postclassic diagnostic ceramics or C14 dates from architecture = 1; Absence = 0.

The first line of the ASCII text file, for example, looks like this:


This means that the information belongs to the Atalaya site, which was part of group 5, and active during the Late Classic. Atalaya has four structures, no pyramids. The tallest structure is 2 meters high. The site covers 844 m2 and has a volume of 607 m3. Volume divided by area is 0.72. There are no eastern triadic structures, no corbelled vault masonry, no sacbeob, no altars, no stelae, 1 aguada, no palace, no ballcourts. Atalaya is 692 m from the Belize River. Atalaya is not a terminus group and has no termini connected to it. It is spatially inaccessible. Atalaya is 548 m from the Baking Pot core. The surrounding population density is 81 house mounds. Atalaya is 48 masl. It is situated in the lowland floodplain near the Belize River. It is in the Class 1 soil zone. It consists of a single group of structures with a single plaza. The plaza is small 166 m2. There is Postclassic reoccupation evident.


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