Comparative Archaeology Database, University of Pittsburgh

Valle de la Plata Settlement Dataset
Robert D. Drennan

Sampling Strata Maps

The boundaries of the sampling strata in the eastern survey zone are provided in two GIS formats: Idrisi (Version 14--Kilimanjaro) and GEOTIFF raster files. These are compressed self-extracting files for Windows, and thus must be uncompressed on a computer running the Windows operating system. After downloading, place the files in the desired folder and double click them. Each Idrisi compressed file will produce two files with the same name and the extensions .RST and .RDC. Each GEOTIFF compressed file will produce two files with the same name and the extensions .TIF and .TFW. The cell values in the GIS files are as follows:

For Idrisi files, click here to download the file EASTERN_SAMPSTRAT_IDRISI.EXE (47 KB).

For GEOTIFF files, click here to download the file EASTERN_SAMPSTRAT_TIFF.EXE (44 KB).

Sampling Unit Maps

The locations of the 1-hectare sample units in the eastern survey zone are provided in two GIS formats: Idrisi (Version 14--Kilimanjaro) and GEOTIFF raster files. These are compressed self-extracting files for Windows, and thus must be uncompressed on a computer running the Windows operating system. After downloading, place the files in the desired folder and double click them. Each Idrisi compressed file will produce two files with the same name and the extensions .RST and .RDC. Each GEOTIFF compressed file will produce two files with the same name and the extensions .TIF and .TFW. The cell values in the GIS files are as follows:

For Idrisi files, click here to download the file EASTERN_SAMPUNITS_IDRISI.EXE (32 KB).

For GEOTIFF files, click here to download the file EASTERN_SAMPUNITS_TIFF.EXE (34 KB).

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