Survey Lot Maps
The "raw" locational data for all the individual survey lots in the three survey zones of the Valle de la Plata are provided as three AutoCAD (Release 12) .DXF files (see Figure 2.9). The files are named WESTERN_LOTSMAP.DXF, CENTRAL_LOTSMAP.DXF, and EASTERN_LOTSMAP.DXF for the western, central, and eastern survey zones. The layers in these drawings, their colors, and the information contained on each are as follows:
- AREAS (Yellow): AutoCAD closed polylines, enclosing the areas represented by each of the individual lot collections.
- BOUNDARY (Red): A single AutoCAD closed polyline, delimiting the boundary of the survey zone.
- LOT_NUMBERS (Cyan): AutoCAD text strings giving the series and lot number designation for each lot, separated by an underscore. These text strings correspond to those in the variable "Key" in the survey lots dataset, and their insertion points are inside the polylines they correspond to, for AutoCAD or other programs capable of matching text strings to polylines in this way. (See Chapter 2 for an explanation of the numbering system for lots and sites.)
- SAMPLE_UNITS (Blue): AutoCAD closed polylines representing the one-hectare sample quadrats for the portions of the eastern survey zone that were sampled (see Chapter 4).
- SAMPLING_STRATA (Magenta): AutoCAD closed polylines delineating the environmental sampling strata for the sampling program in the eastern survey zone (see Chapter 4).
- SITE_NUMBERS (Red): AutoCAD text strings giving the site numbers to which groups of contiguous lots were assigned for convenience. These numbers played no real role in the analysis.
- UNSURVEYED (White): AutoCAD closed polylines, enclosing areas that could not be surveyed because of vegetation cover or because owners did not grant permission. This layer appears in the map of the western survey zone only (see discussion in Chapter 3.1).
Click here to download the file WESTERN_LOTSMAP.DXF (7,038 KB) or the file CENTRAL_LOTSMAP.DXF (1,118 KB) or the file EASTERN_LOTSMAP.DXF (1,123 KB).
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