Comparative Archaeology Database, University of Pittsburgh

El Dornajo Community Dataset
Sarah R. Taylor

Shell Measurements

The data files SHELLMEASUREMENTS.TXT and SHELLMEASUREMENTS.XLS provide measurements for a sample of shells from each context. SHELLMEASUREMENTS.TXT is a comma delimited ASCII text file. SHELLMEASUREMENTS.XLS contains the same data in the form of an Excel spreadsheet. Each line in the comma delimited file represents one shell specimen. There are 11791 lines, each with 7 variables separated by commas. The variables are, in the following order:

1 Unit: A 1 x 1 m test pit or a 2 m diameter surface collection; see maps on pages 41 and 42 of the dissertation.
2 Stratum: A natural or cultural layer distinguishable from others by its soil characteristics. A code of “surface" identifies a surface collection.
3 Level: Arbitrary levels within stata of 10 cm (or less when a stratum change was encountered). A code of "na" indicates either that the unit was a surface collection or that the strata in the unit were not excavated in levels.
4 Taxon
5 Bivalve valve length (mm) (for all bivalves).

Please refer to page 129 (Figure 6.1) of the dissertation linked to this dataset for an illustration of this measurement.
6 Bivalve valve height (mm) (for Ostrea) or semidiameter (for all symetrical bivalves)

Please refer to page 129 (Figure 6.1) of the dissertation linked to this dataset for an illustration of these measurements.

PLEASE NOTE that in some instances semi-diameter was measured for Ostrea rather than the intended valve height. Consequently the VH variable is not meaningful for Ostrea.
7 Gastropod valve height (mm)

Please refer to page 129 (Figure 6.1) of the dissertation linked to this dataset for an illustration of this measurement.

The first line of the ASCII text file, for example, is:

1,A,1,O. columbiensis,9999,18,

This indicates that the shell artifact belongs to Unit 1, Stratum A, Level 1. Its taxon is O. columbiensis. The number "9999" designates missing data for the valve length, but the valve height is 18 mm. Since it is a bivalve, there is no data available for the final variable (Gastropod valve height).

The last, or 11791st, line of the ASCII text file is:

Midden 9,Surface,na,C. subrugosa,9999,9,

This indicates that the shell artifact belongs to Midden 9, at the surface (hence no level is provided). Its taxon is C. subrugosa. The number "9999" designates missing data for the valve length, but the semidiameter is 9 mm. Since it is a bivalve, there is no data available for the final variable (Gastropod valve height).

Click here to download the file SHELLMEASUREMENTS.TXT (374 KB) or the file SHELLMEASUREMENTS.XLS (1.4 MB).

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