Comparative Archaeology Database, University of Pittsburgh

Masaya Regional Settlement Dataset
Manuel Román-Lacayo

Lithic Inventory

The data files LITHICS.TXT and LITHICS.XLS provide a breakdown of lithic artifacts by type for each surface collection carried out within the Masaya survey. LITHICS.TXT is an ASCII text file; LITHICS.XLS contains the same data in the form of an Excel spreadsheet. Each line represents one collection lot. There are 1079 lines in the text file, each with 6 variables separated by commas. The variables are, in the following order:


Municipal Sequence Code: This is the numerical sequence assigned to each collection lot. The municipal correspondence code is the letter T for Tisma, C for Ticuantepe and A for Masatepe.


Total Number of Fragments. The total lithic fragment count for each lot.


The number of basalt fragments identified for each lot.


The number of chert fragments identified for each lot.


The number of obsidian fragments identified for each lot.


Remarks and Observations: Relevant remarks and observations, including general descriptions, particularities and use identification.

The first line of the ASCII text file, for example, looks like this:

A801-01,1,1,0,0,Mano fragment

This indicates that the data pertain to the lot with the municipal sequence code A801-01, which contained 1 lithic fragment, which was basalt. Additional Remarks note that it is a mano fragment.

The last, or 1079th, line of the ASCII text file is:


This indicates that the data pertain to the lot with the municipal sequence code TI192-01, which contained no lithics of any kind.

Click here to download the file LITHICS.TXT (23 KB) or the file LITHICS.XLS (124 KB).

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