Comparative Archaeology Database, University of Pittsburgh

San Agustín-Isnos Settlement Dataset
Robert D. Drennan, Víctor González Fernández, and Carlos Augusto Sánchez

Slopes Map

The slopes in the San Agustín-Isonos survey zone are provided as compressed ZIP files in two GIS formats: Idrisi (Version 17--Selva) and GEOTIFF raster files. Each Idrisi compressed file will produce two files with the same name and the extensions .RST and .RDC. Each GEOTIFF compressed file will produce two files with the same name and the extensions .TIF and .TFW. The cell values are slopes in degrees. Even though the resolution in the raster file consists of 10 m by 10 m cells, the slope measurements were made on 100 m by 100 m cells, so the slope angle consistently represents the angle of slope across horizontal distance increments of 100 m so as not to give an excessively local or small-scale version of slopes.

For Idrisi files, click here to download the file SLOPES_IDRISI.ZIP (259 KB).

For GEOTIFF files, click here to download the file SLOPES_TIFF.ZIP (260 KB).

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