Comparative Archaeology Database, University of Pittsburgh

Bolas Settlement Dataset
Scott Palumbo

Lithic Inventory

The data files LITHICS.TXT and LITHICS.XLS provide lithic counts broken down by material and type for all lithics recovered during survey. LITHICS.TXT is a comma delimited ASCII text file; LITHICS.XLS contains the same data in the form of an Excel spreadsheet. Each line in the ASCII file represents one survey collection unit (either a surface collection or a shovel test pit). There are 765 lines, each with 14 variables separated by commas. The variables are listed in the following order:

1 Collection ID
2 UTM Northing coordinates
3 UTM Easting coordinates
4 Collection Type:

superficie = Surface collection
pozo = Shovel test pit
5 Total number of lithic artifacts
6 Number of artifacts made of Andesite
7 Number of artifacts made of Basalt
8 Number of artifacts made of other stone materials
9 Number of cortical flake fragments
10 Number of cores fragments
11 Number of other types of flake fragments
12 Number of tool fragments
13 Number of Metates fragments
14 Number of Axe fragments
15 Number of other types of tool fragments

The first line of the ASCII text file, for example, looks like this:


This means that the ceramics belong to the collection unit 1, located at UTM coordinates NORTH 259073 and EAST 1005949. This was a surface collection type with 3 lithic artifacts, 1 artifact made of andesite, 2 artifacts made of basalt, 0 artifacts made of other stone materials, 0 cortical flake fragments, 1 core fragment, 1 other type of flake fragment, 0 tool fragments, 0 metates fragments, 1 axe fragment, and 0 other types of tool fragments.

Download the file LITHICS.TXT (38 KB) or the file LITHICS.XLS (146 KB).

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