Comparative Archaeology Database, University of Pittsburgh

Sauce and its Hinterland Dataset
Alanna E. Ossa

Special Forms Analysis Table

The data files SPECIALFORMS.TXT and SPECIALFORMS.XLS provide counts and weights for special form artifacts gathered at each domestic mound within the Sauce center and its hinterland. SPECIALFORMS.TXT is a comma delimited ASCII text file. SPECIALFORMS.XLS contains the same data in the form of an Excel spreadsheet. Each line in the ASCII file provides the number of special form artifacts that share the same attributes for any given domestic mound collection. There are 41 lines, each with 8 variables separated by commas. The variables are listed in the following order:

1 Collection
2 Form Type
3 Type of Surface Treatment
4 % Complete
5 Body Characteristics
7 Weight (g)
8 Count

The first line of the ASCII text file, for example, looks like this:

124,pellet,orange slip,100,,,0.09,1

This means that the artifact came from collection 124. The artifact is a pellet with orange slip. It is 100% complete. There are no body characteristics or comments noted for this artifact. The total weight of special form artifacts belonging to this type (within collection 124) is 0.09 grams, and there is only 1 artifact of this type within collection this collection.

The last, or 41st line of the ASCII text file is:


This means that the artifacts came from collection 6818. The artifact is a whistle with plain surface treatment. There is no specification as to how complete it is. There are no body characteristics noted for this artifact, although additional comments note "mouthpiece." The total weight of special form artifacts belonging to this type (within collection 6818) is 0.13 grams, and there is only 1 artifact of this type within this collection.

Click here to download the file SPECIALFORMS.TXT (4 KB) or the file SPECIALFORMS.XLS (23 KB).

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