Comparative Archaeology Database, University of Pittsburgh

Sauce and its Hinterland Dataset
Alanna E. Ossa

Field Collection Form

The data files FORM.TXT and FORM.XLS provide in-field information associated with each 5 x 5 collection carried out for the domestic mound collections of the Sauce center and its hinterland, including the date the collection was carried-out, surface visibility, the presence of different types of artifacts, and the number of bags that resulted from each collection. FORM.TXT is a comma delimited ASCII text file. FORM.XLS contains the same data in the form of an Excel spreadsheet. Each line in the ASCII file represents one collection. There are 66 lines, each with 35 variables separated by commas. The variables are listed in the following order:

1 The collection number associated with each mound.
2 Field - the PALM field survey unit in which the domestic mound collection was located. The field is a larger somewhat arbitrary agricultural field or property typically, though not always, delimited by property lines or fencing that was convenient for survey boundaries.
3 The date the collection was carried-out.
4 Zone - the sampling ring where the collection was located.
5 Sample population - the name of one of two sampling groups. The first is labeled "main" and was made up of mounds that had high amounts of middle postclassic materials. The second is labeled "poor" with the intention of identifying lower socioeconomic residents by sampling for mounds that dated to the postclassic period, had excellent visibility, and small amounts of materials.
6 Height Method - the method used to obtain the mound height.
7 Height Value (m) - the height of the mound.
8 Ground visibility.
9 Vegetation on feature - vegetation observed on the mound.
10 Presence/absence of pottery.
TRUE = Presence
FALSE = Absence
11 Presence/absence of Figurines.
TRUE = Presence
FALSE = Absence
12 Presence/absence of Incensarios.
TRUE = Presence
FALSE = Absence
13 Presence/absence of Clayballs.
TRUE = Presence
FALSE = Absence
14 Presence/absence of Obsidian.
TRUE = Presence
FALSE = Absence
15 Presence/absence of Chert.
TRUE = Presence
FALSE = Absence
16 Presence/absence of Whorls/Disks.
TRUE = Presence
FALSE = Absence
17 Presence/absence of Groundstone.
TRUE = Presence
FALSE = Absence
18 Presence/absence of Shell.
TRUE = Presence
FALSE = Absence
19 Presence/absence of Plaster.
TRUE = Presence
FALSE = Absence
20 Presence/absence of Other.
TRUE = Presence
FALSE = Absence
21 Other text - name of item found as other (e.g. any item not on previous list).
22 Presence/absence of Other 2.
TRUE = Presence
FALSE = Absence
23 Other 2 Text- name of item found as other (e.g. any item not on previous list).
24 The number of pottery bags recovered in the collection.
25 The number of figurine bags recovered in the collection.
26 The number of incensario bags recovered in the collection.
27 The number of clayball bags recovered in the collection.
28 The number of obsidian bags recovered in the collection.
29 The number of chert bags recovered in the collection.
30 The number of whorl/disk bags recovered in the collection.
31 The number of groundstone bags recovered in the collection.
32 The number of plaster bags recovered in the collection.
33 The number of shell bags recovered in the collection.
34 Items observed - items observed but not collected such as cobbles and daub.
35 Comments - comments about the mound collection including field conditions, owner of field, and relevant archaeological information.

The first line of the ASCII text file, for example, looks like this:

114,9,2/22/08,1,Poor,vertical reading,.49,NONE,low zacate grass,TRUE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,
TRUE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,,FALSE,,2,1,,,1,,,1,,1,"2 Pebbles, 3 Cobbles",On a modern agricultural field
currently used for cattle ranching.Owned by Don Nato.

This means that the collection number associated with the mound is 114, and the field number is 9. The collection was carried out on 2/22/08 in Zone (Ring) 1. This collection belongs to the "poor" category of households. The height of the mound is .49 meters and was acquired through a vertical reading. There was no ground visibility because of low Zacate grass. The collection recovered 2 bags of pottery, 1 of figurines, 1 of obsidian, 1 bag of groundstones, and 1 of shells. Additional items observed but not collected included 2 pebbles and 3 cobbles. Comments note "On a modern agricultural field currently used for cattle ranching. Owned by Don Nato."

The last, or 66th line of the ASCII text file is:

6818,1161,4/1/08,5,Main,angle measurement,4.13,POOR,Closely cropped grass and weeds in a cow pasture.,TRUE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE,1 pebble,FALSE
,,5,1,,,1,,1,,1,1,Daub and plaster observed.,"This is in a cow pasture. Daub and plaster was observed, the ground was hard in some places but also soft in others. This field was also owned by Teleforo Valensuelo Sanchez (a former baseball player) who kindly showed us to his fields when we first encountered him rescuing a very young calf. The road to his fields is newer than the PALM II 2000 season, it was added after that."

This means that the collection number associated with the mound is 6818, and the field number is 1161. The collection was carried out on 4/1/08 in Zone (Ring) 5. This collection belongs to the "Main" category of households. The height of the mound is 4.13 meters and was acquired through an angle measurement. There was poor ground visibility because of closely cropped grass and weeds in a cow pasture. The collection recovered 5 bags of pottery, 1 of figurines, 1 of obsidian, 1 of whorls/disks, 1 of plaster, and 1 of shells. Additional items collected include 1 pebble. Items observed but not collected included daub and plaster. Comments note "This is in a cow pasture. Daub and plaster was observed, the ground was hard in some places but also soft in others. This field was also owned by Teleforo Valensuelo Sanchez (a former baseball player) who kindly showed us to his fields when we first encountered him rescuing a very young calf. The road to his fields is newer than the PALM II 2000 season, it was added after that."

Click here to download the file FORM.TXT (41 KB) or the file FORM.XLS (77 KB).

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