Comparative Archaeology Database, University of Pittsburgh
Sauce and its Hinterland Dataset |
The data files CHERT.TXT and CHERT.XLS provide counts and weights for the chert artifacts gathered at each domestic mound within the Sauce center and its hinterland. CHERT.TXT is a comma delimited ASCII text file, which should be easy to import into spreadsheet, database, and statistical programs for manipulation and analysis. CHERT.XLS contains the same data in the form of an Excel spreadsheet which is easier to browse, and can also be imported into many programs. Each line in the ASCII file provides the number of chert artifacts that share the same attributes for any given domestic mound collection. There are 7 lines in the text file, each with 11 variables separated by commas. The variables are listed in the following order:
1 | Collection |
2 | Type code:
1=Projectile Point, Complete 2=Projectile Point, Fragment 3=Biface, Fragment 3/2=Indeterminate Biface/Projectile Point Fragment 4=Shatter or too small to identify 5=Core/nucleus (if informal core) 6=Percussion Flake/Blade or fragment 7=Non-modified/Pebble or pebble fragment 8=Biface, Complete 9=Angular fragment 10=Other |
3 | Color:
W=White/grayish white LG=Light gray/gray B=Brown BK=Black PG=Pink/pinkish grey or white/purple GB=Gray brown BG=Beige/tan C=Clearish DG=Dark gray O=Other |
4 | Length (mm) |
5 | Width (mm) |
6 | Thickness (mm) |
7 | Texture:
S=Smooth VS=Very smooth/glossy R=Rough W=Waxy/dull |
8 | Transparency:
N=None/Opaque S=Semi-transparent H=High/Translucent M=Missing |
9 | Comments |
10 | Weight (g) |
11 | Count |
The first line of the ASCII text file, for example, looks like this:
This indicates that the artifacts came from collection 225. The type code is 3 (biface, fragment) and its color code is W (white/grayish white). There are no lenght, width, or thickness measurements for the artifacts within this artifact type. The texture is smooth and the transparency code is N (None/Opaque.) There are no comments for this artifact class, but the total weight is 0.6 g. There is only 1 artifact belonging to this type (within collection 225).
The last (7th) line of the ASCII text file is:
6514,9,BK,,,,R,N,might have been used,3.4,1
This indicates that the artifacts came from collection 6514. The type code is 9 (angular fragment) and its color code is BK (black). There are no lenght, width, or thickness measurements for the artifacts within this artifact type. The texture code is rough and the transparency code is N (None/Opaque.) Comments state that the chert artifacts "might have been used." The total weight is 3.4 g and there is only 1 artifact belonging to this type (within collection 6514).
Click here to download the file CHERT.TXT (1 KB) or the file CHERT.XLS (9 KB).