Comparative Archaeology Database | Center for Comparative Archaeology | University of Pittsburgh
Barranca Settlement Dataset
The data files below provide lithic counts for each excavation unit and stratigraphic level, broken down by their type.
[Comma delimited ASCII text format]
[Excel format]
Each line in the comma delimited text file represents one stratigraphic unit. There are 82 lines, each with 27 variables separated by commas. The variables are listed in the following order:
1 | Cala: The excavation unit from which artifacts were collected |
2 | Nivel (cmbns): The survey level from which artifacts were collected (total refers to all survey levels for a given unit) |
3 | Total: Total number of lithics of all types from a survey level |
4 | Expuesta al fuego: Total number of lithics that had been exposed to fire |
5 | Deshechos no diagnósticos: Total number of non-diagnostic lithics |
6 | Desecho lasqueado sin uso: Total number of unused flakes |
7 | Nucleos: Total number of cores |
8 | Lasca celt: Total number of celt flakes |
9 | Cuarzo: Total number of quartz fragments |
10 | Cuchillo: Total number of knives |
11 | Raspador: Total number of side scrapers |
12 | Tajador: Total number of sharpeners |
13 | Tajador circular: Total number of circular sharpeners |
14 | Raedera: Total number of end scrapers |
15 | Punta: Total number of arrowheads |
16 | Micro raspador: Total number of micro scrapers |
17 | Buril: Total number of burins |
18 | Hacha: Total number of axes |
19 | Percutor: Total number of firning pins |
20 | Pulidor: Total number of polishers |
21 | Yunque: Total number of anvils |
22 | Metate: Total number of metates |
23 | Mano: Total number of manos |
24 | Celt: Total number of celt shaped polished adzes |
25 | Cincel: Total number of chisels |
26 | Celt retrabajado: Total number of repurposed celts |
27 | Preforma celt: Total number of preform celts |
The first line of the ASCII text file, for example, looks like this:
This means that the ceramics belong to unit 1, level 1. There were 13 total lithics found in this unit, 0 exposed to fire, 6 non-diagnostic lithics, 5 unused flakes, 0 cores, 0 celt flakes, 0 quartz fragments, 0 knives, 0 side scrapers, 1 sharpener, 0 circular sharpeners, 0 end scrapers, 0 arrowheads, 0 micro scrapers, 0 burins, 0 axes, 0 firning pins, 0 polishers, 0 anvils, 1 metate, 0 manos, 0 celt shaped polished adzes, 0 chisels, 0 repurposed celts, and 0 preform celts.