Comparative Archaeology Database  |  Center for Comparative Archaeology  |  University of Pittsburgh

Barranca Settlement Dataset

Mauricio Murillo Herrera
Felipe Sol Castillo

The data files below provide counts for the ceramics imported from the Guanacaste region for each test pit, broken down by their respective archaeological phases.


[Comma delimited ASCII text format]
[Excel format]


Each line in the comma delimited text file represents one test pit. There are 228 lines, each with 6 variables separated by commas. The variables are listed in the following order:

1 POZO: The excavation pit from which artifacts were collected
2 TOTAL: Total number of ceramic artifacts
3 SAPOÁ-OMETEPE: Total number of sherds from Sapoá-Ometepe phase
4 BAGACES: Total number of sherds from Bagaces phase
5 TEMPISQUE: Total number of sherds from Tempisque phase
6 SIN FASE: Total number of sherds which could not be assigned to a particular phase

The first line of the ASCII text file, for example, looks like this:


This means that the ceramics belong to excavation pit A1. There were 0 total sherds found in this unit, 0 from the Sapoá-Ometepe phase, 0 from the Bagaces phase, 0 from the Tempisque phase, and 0 without an identifiable phase.