Comparative Archaeology Database, University of Pittsburgh

Upper Daling Region Hongshan Pottery Production Dataset
Tao Li

X-Ray Diffraction Analysis

The data files XRD.TXT and XRD.XLS provide the results of X-Ray Diffraction Analyses. They provide the percentage of up to 16 mineral phases detected in 171 sherds selected from 16 households in the Hongshan core zone. XRD.TXT is a comma delimited ASCII text file; XRD.XLS contains the same data in the form of an Excel spreadsheet. Each line in the ASCII file corresponds to one sherd. There are 171 lines, each with 24 variables separated by commas. The variables are listed in the following order:

1 Compositional Group. The compositional group assigned to each sherd.
2 Lab Number. A unique ID for every sherd selected for laboratory analysis
3 Household Unit. The number of the household unit the sherd represents.
4 Residential Zone. The name of the residential zone the sherd came from.
5 Vessel Form. The vessel form the sherd was a part of (if identifiable).

Identifiable vessel forms include: (1) Tongxingqi, or large bottomless painted pottery cylinders (for non-utilitarian purpose); and (2) pen-basin, guan-jar, bo-bowl, weng-urn (for utilitarian use). Sherds whose vessel forms are not identifiable are classified as “indeterminate”.
6 Period. The time period the sherd was assigned to(Hongshan or Xiaoheyan).
7 Paste-Vessel Form Group. Categories combining fine and coarse paste with utilitarian and non-utilitarian vessel form groups. The groups defined are:

G1=Tongxingqi, which is fine-paste Hongshan vessel for non-utilitarian use;
G2=Fine-paste Hongshan vessel for utilitarian use;
G3=Coarse-paste Hongshan vessel for utilitarian use; and
G4=Coarse-paste Xiaoheyan vessel for utilitarian use.
8 Quartz-low. Percentage of Quartz-low [(SiO2)] found in the sherd.
9 Microcline. Percentage of Microcline [KAlSi3O8)] found in the sherd.
10 Muscovite. Percentage of Muscovite [KAl2((AlSi3)O10)(OH)2] found in the sherd.
11 Spinel. Percentage of Spinel [(Mg0.588Fe0.188Al0.224)(Mg0.227Al1.766Fe0.007)O4] found in the sherd.
12 Albite-high. Percentage of Albite-high [Na(AlSi3O8)] found in the sherd.
13 Albite-low. Percentage of Albite-low [Na(AlSi3O8)] found in the sherd.
14 Anorthite. Percentage of Anorthite [Ca(Al2Si2O8)] found in the sherd.
15 Phlogopite. Percentage of Phlogopite [K(Mg2.18Fe0.82)(Al1.29Si2.71O10((OH)1.82F0.18))] found in the sherd.
16 Magnesium/Dialuminium/Trisilicate. Percentage of Magnesium/Dialuminium/Trisilicate [(MgAl2Si3O10)6] found in the sherd.
17 Hematite. Percentage of Hematite [Fe2O3] found in the sherd.
18 Kyanite. Percentage of Kyanite [Al2(SiO4)O] found in the sherd.
19 Orthoclase. Percentage of Orthoclase [KSi3AlO8] found in the sherd.
20 Tremolit. Percentage of Tremolite [Ca2Mg5(OH)2(Si8O22)] found in the sherd.
21 Halloysite. Percentage of Halloysite [Al2Si2O3(OH)8] found in the sherd.
22 Sanidine. Percentage of Sanidine [KAlSi3O8] found in the sherd.
23 Cordierite. Percentage of Cordierite [Mg2Al4Si5O18(H2O)0.75] found in the sherd.
24 Total. The sum of the percentages of all 16 mineral phases present (which may exceed 100% due to rounding error).

The first line of the ASCII text file, for example, looks like this:

C10,DLH452,E203,E,Indeterminate,Hongshan,G3,3.00,23.00,0.00,0.00,0.00,47.00,12.20,8.20,4.50,2.20, 0.00,0.00,0.00,0.00,0.00,0.00,100.10

This means that the sherd analyzed belonged to compositional group C10 and had a laboratory ID number of DLH452. It came from household unit E203 in the Erbuchi area. It came from an indeterminate vessel form of the Hongshan Period, group G3. The Quartz-low percentage was 3.00, the Microcline percentage was 23.00, the Muscovite percentage was 0.00, the Spinel percentage was 0.00, the Albite-high percentage was 0.00, the Albite-low percentage was 47.00, the Anorthite percentage was 12.20, the Phlogopite percentage was 8.20, the Magnesium/Dialuminium/Trisilicate percentage was 4.50, the Hematite percentage was 2.20, the Kyanite percentage was 0.00, the Orthoclase percentage was 0.00, the Tremolite percentage was 0.00, the Halloysite percentage was 0.00, the Sanidine percentage was 0.00, the Cordierite percentage was 0.00, for a total percentage of 100.10.

The last, or 171 line of the ASCII text file is:

C7,DLH091,S010,S,Indeterminate,Hongshan,G2,56.30,19.90,0.00,0.00,5.90,0.00,17.80,0.00,0.00,0.00, 0.00,0.00,0.00,0.00,0.00,0.00,99.90

This means that the sherd analyzed belonged to compositional group C7 and had a laboratory ID number of DLH091. It belonged to household unit S010 in the Sanjia area. It came from an indeterminate vessel form of the Hongshan Period, group G2. The Quartz-low percentage was 56.30, the Microcline percentage was 19.90, the Muscovite percentage was 0.00, the Spinel percentage was 0.00, the Albite-high percentage was 5.90, the Albite-low percentage was 0.00, the Anorthite percentage was 17.80, the Phlogopite percentage was 0.00, the Magnesium/Dialuminium/Trisilicate percentage was 0.00, the Hematite percentage was 0.00, the Kyanite percentage was 0.00, the Orthoclase percentage was 0.00, the Tremolite percentage was 0.00, the Halloysite percentage was 0.00, the Sanidine percentage was 0.00, the Cordierite percentage was 0.00, for a total percentage of 99.90.

Download the file XRD.TXT (22 KB) or the file XRD.XLS (65 KB).

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